Chapter Sixty-One

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Who fancies a plot twist

Tensions were running high midway through May, when it was the final match of the year. Although she couldn't braid her hair, Marlene still managed to drag Silvanna out of bed, and she spent almost the entire morning yawning and nodding while Marlene rambled around Chaser manoeuvres and league tables.

Apparently, and Silvanna wasn't very confident on whether this was true, the pressure was really on today, because the only teams with a chance at the cup were Slytherin and Gryffindor. So, if they scored enough goals, Gryffindor would win.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Marlene, as Silvanna sipped at her third mug of coffee.

"I won't say you just did."

Marlene smiled sarcastically, twirling the end of her braid. "How far did you go with Daniel? I mean, you don't have to tell me, obviously, but Sirius has said some stuff, and we've only really done snogging-"

"What's he said?" asked Silvanna quickly. "Do you want me to have a word? Or punch his lights out-?"

"No, no," said Marlene quickly. "No. I want to go a bit further, I think. I just, I dunno - how far is normal?"

Silvanna shrugged, thinking back. "Well his tongue got the furthest," she said, making Marlene splutter on her pumpkin juice. They grinned at each other. "Not much below the waist. Basically nothing."

Marlene nodded thoughtfully. "Do you think we should?"

"Do what you want," said Silvanna. "But I will punch his lights out if need be."

"Morning!" said Lily cheerily, plonking onto the bench next to Marlene. Mary sleepily found her way next to Silvanna, yawning as she handed over the tube of red lipstick. "What are we talking about?" she asked, smiling as she buttered some toast.

"Boys," said Silvanna firmly. Lily rolled her eyes, and Silvanna busied herself with finishing her coffee. It was a good job their conversation was over, because if Marlene had asked Lily about whether to sleep with Sirius Black - well, Silvanna didn't really want to know what would happen after that.

The owls swooped down, dropping letters and parcels. A crisp cream envelope landed in front of Silvanna, with looping writing on the front and a scarlet wax seal on the back. "Got another Hogwarts letter?" asked Sirius as the boys joined them at the table. Silvanna grinned at him, before popping the seal and pulling out the parchment and scanning the page.

She read it again.

"What the fuck?" she muttered.

"What?" asked Remus, sipping at his coffee. Silvanna shook her head, still staring at the parchment, her hand reaching to her gaping mouth.

Dear Silvanna Snape,

As you may or may not be aware, you are the current heir to the Prince money and estates. Your grandparents have requested your presence at Whitehall House this summer for additional tuition. We will also be in contact with your parents and younger brother.

Your attendance is very important to us, and we will do all we can to ensure your induction and stay are smooth, productive, and enjoyable.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions,

Harvey Stanton
Prince family solicitor

"Oh - Merlin," whispered Silvanna. What the fuck? Her grandparents were dead - that's what her mum had told her anyway.

"What is it?" pushed Remus.

"I need to go," Silvanna said quickly, standing up and gathering her things, "My brother..." She trailed off, already walking away.

"Did she say her brother?" Marlene's voice trailed after her.

"What does she want with Snivellus?" came James's.

"Don't call him that!" hissed Lily, followed by the sound of trotting footsteps as the redhead appeared at Silvanna's elbow.

She'd never been over to the Slytherin table in her four years here, and she was starting to be very glad she hadn't been sorted into that house. Glares followed her and Lily - well, presumably just Lily - up the table until she found her greasy git of a brother. "Piss off, mudblood," some random fifth year called after them.

Silvanna had her hand on her wand, but Lily was quicker, and grabbed her wrist. "Leave it," Lily warned.

Silvanna was outraged. "But she-!"

"You get used to it," said Lily, "What's got you in a bother anyway? You never talk to Severus."

"Right," said Silvanna, nodding and continuing in her mission without answering Lily's question. She found him, staring into the same letter. He looked up as they approached, and his eyes widened, before he jumped up and followed them out the hall, clutching his own letter.

"Did you get-?" he began.

"Of course I did, idiot!" snapped Silvanna, rolling her eyes. "Did you know?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Lily, growing exasperated. Severus handed her the letter.

"Don't just-!" Silvanna began.

"Why not?" retorted Severus.

"Because," said Silvanna, trying to snatch it back from Lily, who held it out of reach. "It's none of her business."

"What's going on, Snape?" came the sneering voice of Mulciber.

"We're overthrowing the government, what does it look like?" snapped Silvanna, turning back to her brother to address the grandparents that had come back from the dead.

"No one asked you," said Avery, who had also joined them.

Silvanna turned around in disbelief, "How thick are you?"

It took a moment for them to process it. "What?" grunted Avery.

"My name's Snape," said Silvanna patronisingly. "You asked me."

"You want to learn some manners," said Mulciber, stepping forward. "Why don't we teach you?" Almost as if a switch had been flipped, everyone had their wands in their hands.

"OI!" CRACK. Merlin himself couldn't guess why, but for some reason the Gryffindor boys had decided they didn't want to be left out. And Sirius being Sirius, he'd come in fists first. And now Mulciber was nursing a bruised chin.

"Diffindo!" cried Severus, aiming not at Sirius, but James. For fuck's sake.

"Expelliarmus!" exclaimed Silvanna, successfully disarming her brother as Lily deflected a curse off Avery, Remus put a leg-locker on Mulciber, and James sent a knockback jinx in Avery's direction.

"That's enough!" A crowd had formed around them, and now it parted to reveal Professor McGonagall, striding towards them. "All of you to my office this instant!"

"Actually, Minerva," came another voice that made Remus and Lily look like they'd had an accident. "I'd like to see the twins in my office." Silvanna tried very hard to look cool, but she couldn't help her hot face or dropped jaw. At least she looked less terrified than Severus though, who had promptly tripped himself on the hem of his robes and fallen in a pile on the floor.

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