YEAR THREE - Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Also TW, sorry. Last one for a while though, I think.

Mrs Lupin had set up the spare bedroom for Silvanna to sleep in, apologising profusely about the cardboard boxes stacked up. This was until Silvanna told her she slept in the attic at home, and then Mrs Lupin had said something about going to talk to Mr Lupin.

Remus and Silvanna had indeed stayed up, plotting star charts and constellations, and thoroughly reading the parts in Magical Theory that referenced arithmancy. Their studies were lit only by the moonlight pouring through the window, and a lamp that was lit at the other side of the room.

"I've been thinking," Silvanna said, as they sat on the floor next to one of his two floor-to-ceiling windows, a brass telescope set out between them.

"Oh, Merlin," said Remus, pretending to look like he was dreading what was coming next.

"Fuck off," she whispered with a grin, so Mrs Lupin didn't hear her. "My brother keeps asking why you disappear every month."

"Why?" asked Remus, frowning.

Silvanna shrugged. "I dunno, do I? But I was thinking, maybe every other full moon, you could stay in the hospital wing for an extra day a fortnight after. On weekends so you don't miss lessons. It'll throw him off the scent."

Remus thought for a moment. "That's not actually a bad idea," he said, nodding. "But you have to come and visit."

"Course," said Silvanna.

Just then there was a soft knock at the door, and Mrs Lupin appeared. She smiled as she always did, but her face was one of stress. "Remus, dear, your dad's just had to go into work. Something about demon toes getting loose."

"Dementors, Mum," Remus corrected, and Mrs Lupin smiled.

"Yes, those," she said. "He won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, so Silvanna, you're stuck with us a bit longer."

Silvanna grimaced. "Sorry," she said.

"Oh, no, it's not your fault," said Mrs Lupin. "And you're a pleasure to have anyways. I was thinking, would you like to stay over next weekend too? And before you answer, it's no hassle."

"If you're sure, then I'd love to," Silvanna said, mustering a smile.

"Of course," said Mrs Lupin. "You're welcome anytime. And I mean that, whenever you want."

"Alright, Mum," said Remus. "Love you."

"Love you too." Mrs Lupin closed the door behind her with a light click.

"Your mum's so nice," Silvanna said. Remus just shrugged. "How come there are dementors loose anyway? I thought they guarded Azkaban?" Remus looked astonished and his mouth hung open. "You'll catch billywigs."

"Didn't you know?" he asked, shifting so he faced her. "About the war?"

Now Silvanna's jaw dropped. "We're at war?" Why hadn't her mum told her?

"Yeah," said Remus. "There's these people - Death Eaters - and they follow this Dark wizard, You-Know-Who-"

"Who?" asked Silvanna. She certainly did not know who.

Remus shuffled uncomfortably. "We're not supposed to say the name...he's called Voldemort." He whispered the last part, and Silvanna barely caught it, but she wasn't about to ask him to repeat it. She nodded and he carried on. "Well they attack all these muggles, see? They think it's funny. But recently there's been more attacks on muggle-born witches and wizards, and sympathisers too." She knew what he meant by that. People Severus called bloodtraitors. "Dad thinks You-Know-Who's trying to recruit the dementors. He's already got the giants onside, there were a load of attacks last summer in Wales. And Mum doesn't want me to know, but I heard them talking. He's recruiting werewolves too."

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