Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirty-Three

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"My mother," Regulus continued, once the music had picked up again, "Quite likes you, surprisingly." Silvanna didn't respond. Clearly she was doing something wrong if that was the case. "Quiet, stoic, and thin, her three mottos."

Silvanna cracked a small laugh at that, which she immediately shoved down. She was more scrawny than thin. Probably developmental issues caused by her dad. She didn't think that was a good thing. "Quiet?"

"You never speak."

"I'm speaking now." They paused in their chatter, weaving in and out when there was really no need, because people shifted out the way anyway. "Tell me more about my family."

"You don't know you own family history?" She didn't reply. Clearly not, else she wouldn't have asked. "Do you know why you're even here?" His voice was lowered, suggestive, and she was eager to have the question answered.

"Go on," she said.

The music stopped again. He threw her a questioning glance, and she sighed. One more dance, but then it really would be too much. They picked up their pace for a faster waltz.

"Without a doubt you'll be engaged by the end of the year," he said. The end of the year? But that wasn't enough time! She had to do more scoping out, more infiltration before then. She calmed herself down, aware her underclothes would not allow for a panicking loss of breath, and Regulus seemed to sense this. He shifted his arm under hers, still steering, almost holding her up. That didn't mean there wouldn't be a long engagement. It would be fine. "Surely you knew? Everyone's talking about it, what with it being your debut season and all."

"I hadn't really thought about it," she confessed. He loosened his grip as she became steady once more. "Debut season and all that. Not really had the time."

The music began to slow as it closed, and she felt a mix of relief and disappointment. He seemed to know everything, and know what he knew that she wanted, and was holding it above her head like a carrot for a donkey.

"Dance with me next time," he said. It wasn't a demand, nor a question. A mere suggestion. "I want to hear about my brother." The music stopped and they did their ritual bowing and hand-kissing and all that rubbish. She didn't say a word as they did that, still shocked by his words, and he only nodded goodbye before disappearing into a parted crowd, that enveloped him like water.

She removed herself from the dance floor before the next dance could began. Evelyn was waiting, looking confused, delighted, and furious all at once.

Silvanna didn't even notice the stares she was getting. Her mind was going too quickly, desperate to speak to him again. She felt as though she had just woken up, the only thought in her mind being the kick of caffeine with that tang of sugar.

"Three dances," Colette commented from behind her mother.

"And plenty it was," Evelyn said. Their words sounded different now. Like they made more sense.

"I don't want to do anymore dancing," she decided. "I'm exhausted. Can I just talk to people instead?"

Evelyn looked disappointed, but nodded all the same. "I'd imagine you are. Here, this gentleman is called Cecil..."

She only vaguely remembered the rest of the night. A complete disaster.


She sent the names off to Dumbledore right away, as soon as the seamstress (not the same one as before) had left her. She made sure to make her writing neat and blocky as opposed to her usual looping scribble, and wrote in the special ink, making sure to include every name she could remember. If even one of them was a Death Eater, it would lead to the discovery of more. She could only hope that he wouldn't expose her with a sudden increase in arrests.

She climbed into bed and closed her eyes, but didn't fall asleep. Her head was still running at a thousand miles an hour. The things Regulus had said, about marriage, and her family, they played on her mind much more than she liked. She needed to get her worries out. She thought about writing to Dumbledore but she doubted he'd be much help. He'd probably just go on about how she was doing this for her friends.

Her friends. Marlene. That was it, she'd write to her. Even if she couldn't offer advice, it would be nice to hear from her. So she sat back at her desk and wrote.


I hope your summer is nice so far. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, but have a nice few months before NEWTs really begin. I read the letter you gave me and although I was a little sad it's probably for the best. You need to do what's right for you.

Anyways, I thought we could still keep up with each other? And we share a dorm so it's not like we won't see each other again.

I'm writing to you because I really need to vent. I was dancing with Regulus, Sirius's brother? And he would not shut up about the Princes. Apparently my uncle paid 300,000 galleons for his wife. That's insane! And then he was talking about my family marrying me off before I even leave school and I don't really know what to do about it. I know you're probably reading this and thinking 'I told you so' but they're the only family I have left. I want to please them but I don't know how much to sacrifice to do that. I don't know.

I hope you're having a nice summer. I think I already wrote that. I did. Oh well.

With love,
Silvanna x

She sat back and admired her work. That'd do. It didn't give too much away, but she still felt much better for writing. She'd feel even better if she could be honest but she couldn't.

She sent it in the morning as soon as Betsy returned.

Marlene didn't reply.

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