Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eleven

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I bloody love this chapter :)

 It wasn't long after Remus had gone to his prefect meeting before James and Sirius got bored, so they decided a wander down the train was a good idea. They hadn't been gone any more than thirty seconds though, before they came back in a giggling whirlwind, stowing their wands away and looking frantic. "Shift up, Wormtail," said Sirius, as James flopped onto the seat.

 "What?" asked Peter groggily, having been trying to take a nap.

 "Snivellus is coming," James urged, "So shift your booty!"

 Obediently, Peter scooted into Remus's vacant seat, and the next thing Silvanna knew she was pulled from her seat and down next to Sirius. "What are you doing?" she demanded grumpily. She'd just got to a good bit, and wasn't happy to be disturbed.

  "We're dating, remember?" said Sirius, placing his arm round her shoulders. "So try and act loved up?"

 "Seriously-" The boys snorted. "-having second thoughts about this."

 "Oh, take a chill pill," said James, handing her her book with a charming smile.

 Still unconvinced, Silvanna took A Study in Scarlet and opened it to the correct page, putting her feet up next to her right as the compartment door opened. "Found your trousers, Snivelly?" asked James. She could practically hear his grin.

 "You - you -!" Severus began, and Silvanna looked up to see he had his wand in his hand. He paused when his eyes landed on her, and for added effect, Silvanna decided to rest her head on Sirius's chest. Both Peter and Severus looked like they may wet themselves, but for completely different reasons.

 "Do us a favour," Silvanna began coolly, "And go somewhere else?"

 "Get off her," said Severus. It wasn't really a threat or a command. He said it more as something that should obviously done.

 "I mean," Sirius began, shifting to pull her closer. "Technically she's on me."

 "Get off him," Severus commanded, this time to her.

 Silvanna rolled her eyes. "Piss off," she said, pretending to go back to her book. "As if you've got any right to tell me who I can and can't date after what you put me through."

 "Dating?" Severus repeated, and it seemed he was too shocked to do anything really threatening. Silvanna felt a light prod at her occlumency shields. Now what was that about? It took him another moment to recover. "Absolutely not," he said eventually, swooping down and grabbing her arm.

 "Hey-!" Silvanna began, realising in a moment of panic that her wand was tucked away in her bag. There was a bang and Severus released her, flying back into the opposite compartment door. A few shrieks and squeals issued from inside, followed by laughter as Severus clambered to his feet, greasy hair astray, and wand clutched desperately in his hand. James kept his wand trained on him, and by now Sirius was on his feet too, also holding his out.

 "You touch my girlfriend again," Sirius began, and Silvanna was surprised at the malice in his voice. "And we're going to have more problems than just how greasy your head is."

 "She's my sister-!" Severus spluttered, eyes wide with rage.

 Sirius looked him up and down, disgusted. "No she's not." James slid the door across, leaving only the glass windows to see Severus's look of outrage through.

 "Impressive acting," Silvanna said quietly as Sirius turned to her.

 "Wasn't it?" said Sirius with a grin, knowing his back was turned to the door. "I'm going to kiss your cheek - see if he blows the train up or not." He did just that, which was followed by an embrace in which he wound his fingers through her hair. She rested her chin on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and placed a small smile on her face.

 "Gone!" Peter announced, and the pair quickly broke apart. "I think that went pretty well."

 "A few points to make though," said Silvanna, taking her seat next to Sirius once more. James and Sirius looked at her, apprehensive for feedback. "One, now that word's out we're dating, we actually have to act like it every moment we're together. Eyes everywhere at Hogwarts, etcetera."

 "I agree," said James. "Holding hands, cuddles in the common room..."

 "Two," Silvanna continued. "Is that Mary and Marlene are the biggest gossips alive, which means we'll have to keep them in the dark. By extension, Lily, mostly because I don't know if she'd approve." They nodded their agreement. "And three, I'm going to run it by Marlene at dinner to check she's okay with it."

 "We went out two years ago!" exclaimed Sirius. "She'll ruin the plan."

 "Really not that long ago," said Silvanna. "And I'd rather have a prank go to waste than ruin our friendship."

 "And to think," said James, "I was starting to like you."

 "Don't kid yourself," said Silvanna, leaning into Sirius as two third years walked past, goggling in. "You love me really."


 James and Sirius took great delight in updating Remus on the past hour's events, a story which was told over pumpkin pasties and chocolate frogs after the trolley came round. He sat very still the whole time, raising his eyebrows in parts, and overall just looked very disapproving of the whole thing.

 "All that's going to happen is you'll get yourself in trouble," he said when they were done.

 "Sounds to me like someone's jealous," teased James with a wink.

 "Oh, ha ha," said Remus, rolling his eyes.

 "Ooooo," the other boys all said, which did make Remus grin again.

 As they departed from the train, leaving their things to be sorted by the house elves, Sirius took Silvanna's hand, which made a lot of people stare. A lot more than she liked. She knew Sirius was a little renowned for all the people that fancied him, but surely this was a bit excessive? She'd have poison in her food at this rate!

 When she told Marlene at dinner, she thankfully took it rather well. She did look a little surprised though, raising her eyebrows at the pair. "Since when?" she asked, as Mary leaned in.

 "Well, we wrote to each other over the summer quite a bit," said Silvanna with a small shrug.

 "That's an understatement!" exclaimed James loudly. "Every other day we had Betsy round with a new letter." A few people around him listened in before turning back to their own conversations. Silvanna thought he was being a bit obvious, but apparently it worked.

 She turned back to Marlene, who was smiling thoughtfully. "You know it's fine with me," said Marlene. "Do what you want. Just be careful."

 "He doesn't bite!" said Silvanna with a laugh.

 "Well," said Sirius with a smirk. "I do sometimes." The boys all burst out laughing, and Silvanna joined in for the sake of it. She turned to him when the conversation diverged again.

 "If you want me to laugh at your jokes, you have to tell funny ones," Silvanna hissed, while putting a smile on her face so people would think she was talking about something else.

 "It was funny!" Sirius hissed back. "You just didn't get it."

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