Chapter One-Hundred-and-Fifteen

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Hello! So sorry I've been super MIA. I've had zero inspiration to write this book, and I just know I'm going to need to skip over some months in sixth year because I am BORED. I also lost my phone, and I'm trying to edit my other books for the wattys, and write some non-fanfiction. Anyways excuses, excuses, and here's an update :)

 "Professor, we weren't even out after hours, we had every right to be there-"

 "Yes, Sirius, but what were you doing to achieve such a reaction from Mr Snape?"

 "It was an achievement-"

 "That is not helpful, Sirius."

 "Sorry, Madame Pomfrey."

 "Honestly, we weren't doing anything, Professor," piped in Silvanna. "And this has happened before. Remember when I got that letter a couple of years ago? He went batshit-"

 "Don't swear, Miss Snape."

 "Sorry, Professor."

 Madame Pomfrey stepped back, eyeing her handiwork. Sirius had bright blue paste all around his right eye, and while Madame Pomfrey had assured him there would be no lasting damage, he would still have a black eye. Silvanna didn't think that had registered as bad news to him.

 "Are you certain you weren't doing anything indecent?" asked McGonagall, narrowing her eyes. "Mr Snape has spoken with Professor Slughorn, and he claims it was a 'fowl display'. Now, from what I've heard from other students-"

 "Have you been gossiping, Professor?" asked Sirius, eye sparking with a cheeky grin.

 "I certainly have not," said Professor McGonagall. "I'm merely reminding you both of our rules here at Hogwarts. And of the fact that there are young children in attendance with you. And the fact that you are both in my house, and representatives of it. I can trust that this will not happen again?"

 Silvanna and Sirius exchanged a look. "We won't provoke him," Silvanna said eventually. "But that's not to say that we did this time. He hit Sirius, not the other way around."

 "Thank you, Miss Snape, I am aware and his punishment will reflect that," said McGonagall, before turning to Sirius. "If you, Sirius, could help Madame Pomfrey carry her supplies back to the hospital wing? And then return to your common room?"

 "Sure thing, Prof," said Sirius, grabbing Pomfrey's bag for her.

 "Thank you," said Professor McGonagall. "Miss Snape I require a private word with you." Silvanna nodded in acknowledgement, and McGonagall didn't speak again until the other two had closed the door. "You pointed out that this isn't the first occasion that your brother has acted in a violent manner towards you and your friends," said McGonagall gravely. "And after the events of this summer, I would be more than happy to facilitate a transfer to a different school."

 Silvanna took a moment to consider it. More for dramatics sake than anything - she wouldn't want to leave in a million years. "Why don't you just move Severus?" she asked. "Or expel him?"

 "To begin, it isn't within my power to do so," said McGonagall. "And secondly, sometimes it is better for a student to remain at their school, even when they act out."

 "You mean you want to keep an eye on him?" asked Silvanna, frowning.

 "I'm not at liberty to say," said McGonagall. "However, in your case it may be better to look elsewhere. Beauxbatons has the best Alchemy program in the world - and I know that holds your interest. Or for an English speaking school I can highly recommend Ilvermorny-"

 "No thank you," Silvanna said quickly. "Thanks, Professor, but I'm not interested in moving schools. I'm more than capable of defending myself. And my friends are here."

 McGonagall didn't look impressed by her decision. She looked like there were about a million things she was bursting to say. But her lips were sealed, it seemed, because she only nodded. "I'm sure you will give it due consideration," she said, "Thank you, Snape, you may return to your common room."

 And when she got back to her common room, the boys were all gathered round the fireplace, whispering amongst themselves, waiting for her return. "It was brilliant, Silvanna! Wasn't it brilliant?" exclaimed Sirius, bouncing around in his seat like he was twelve.

 "It was funny," she admitted. "And he got a detention for it, so all in all I'd say it was successful."

 As James and Sirius began cheering, Remus turned to her. "What did McGonagall want?"

 "Oh," Silvanna said, taken by surprise. She ran her hand through her hair, thinking. McGonagall had mentioned this before, she was sure. When, she couldn't remember, but to bring it up twice? It was quite odd. "Nothing," she decided. "Just something about my essay on complications in non-verbal transfiguration."

 "I thought you did well on that essay?" asked Remus with a frown. "You got an O."

 "Yeah," said Silvanna with a grin. "I know. Not all of us only speak to her when we get caught."

 "There you are," Lily's voice said from behind them.

 "Alright, Evans?" said James, earning himself a collective sigh from the group. It was like he'd been jinxed to not behave normally around Lily. He always had to say something.

 "Yes, thank you," she said curtly, before turning back to Silvanna with a smile. "Have you done that Alchemy essay for Sinastra yet? I want to compare them."

 "Yeah, it's upstairs," said Silvanna, climbing to her feet. "Come on, we can do it now. Away from the buffoonery."

 "Hey!" chorused the boys as they walked away.


 No matter how hard Sirius and Silvanna were working to liven up their sixth year a bit, it still seemed to pass in a drippy haze. "I just don't get it," she complained to Lily as she covered Remus's prefect patrols. She kept looking out the windows at the full moon and the drizzly sky, grateful to be inside, but still wanting to go out and help Remus. Even though he wasn't really there. He'd been replaced for tonight. "Sixth year! It's supposed to be great - loads of fun. And eveyone's just moping and all that."

 "Maybe you need a change in routine?" Lily suggested. "Join a club or something?"

 "Duelling?" suggested Silvanna. "Or maybe I should learn quidditch?"

 "When was the last time you rode a broom?" Lily laughed. Silvanna had to agree with that. "I thought dating Black would be enough for you anyway. It sounds to me like you're trying to get away from him."

 "I am not!" said Silvanna. She frowned in thought as they turned a corner. "You really don't like them, do you?"

 "I don't understand why you do," scoffed Lily. Silvanna waited for her to fill the silence that ensued. "I mean, Remus isn't too bad when we study together, and he seems nice enough, but the fact that he puts up with them-"

 "They do share a dorm," said Silvanna. "And think about what they've done for him."

 "They treated him like a human being, which he is," Lily said. "Apart from anything, you managed to avoid me, Marls, and Mary for years. And then there's Peter who does my head in with all his fawning over them."

 "That annoys me too," Silvanna admitted.

 "See?" said Lily. "I know Black's your boyfriend but - Merlin, he's such a prick, it's infuriating. And everyone gives him so much attention - he almost demands it. And then James. I mean, enough said really. I wish he'd just leave me alone."

 "Be careful what you wish for," warned Silvanna. "They're all annoying, I know. Even Remus - Merlin, he can be so stubborn. But they're some of the most loyal, big-hearted people I've ever met. Maybe you can give them a chance? You know, now that my brother's out the way."

 "Maybe," said Lily, clearly not convinced in any way.

 "And thank you," said Silvanna. "That's just what I needed, a good gossip. I see why Mary and Marlene do it so much."

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