Chapter Sixty

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Please do not try anything instructed in this chapter at home :)

Silvanna slumped into the common room that afternoon, followed shortly by the three boys. The four of them had been escorted back by Professor McGonagall, no doubt for Severus's safety. She wanted to kill him.

Remus would be fine for now, Madame Pomfrey had said. They'd got to the hospital wing in plenty time, and he'd recover quickly. The only major problem had been blood loss. Problem was, it was the full moon tomorrow. No one had any idea how the injury might affect him.

Silvanna was so, so angry.

She saw her target. Picked them out from the rubble of the common room before anyone could react to their appearance. "Evans!" she called. Lily looked up innocently from where she'd been talking to Mary. She instantly figured out something was wrong.

Silvanna began to step over but Peter caught her wrist. "Leave it," he warned, but Silvanna shrugged him off.

"Piss off," she snarled. He let go, retreating into himself.

"Is everything alright?" asked Lily, her eyes following Silvanna as she approached.

"Oh, tremendous," said Silvanna. "Absolutely blazin. We just got back from the hospital wing see? We had to take Remus there, after he passed out from blood loss."

Mary let out a small gasp. "Oh no."

"Blood loss?" asked Lily, eyes narrowed.

"Silvanna," came James's warning tone.

"Blood loss," Silvanna repeated. "After my darling brother filled a corridor with smoke and attacked him."

Lily's eyes narrowed. Everyone was silent, waiting to gage her reaction. "Well," said Lily coolly, "I suspect it was a retaliation of that dreadful prank he pulled."

"It was all of us!" said Sirius, stepping forward angrily. "Actually."

Lily turned back to Mary. "Is that all you've got to say?" demanded Silvanna.

"Well, it wasn't me that did it," snapped Lily. "Quite frankly, I don't know why you're telling me."

"I'm trying to shove some sense into you!" said Silvanna. "Or at the very least, get you to shove some into my brother!"

Lily sighed. "I don't see why that's any of your business," she said coolly. "Beaky."

Silvanna did not let herself get further enraged by this comment. Instead, she sat down opposite Lily. "Did you tell him?"


"Does he know?" asked Silvanna. Something clicked in Lily's eyes.

"I'm so confused," said Mary, shaking her head.

"So it's true?" asked Lily, her lips parting in shock.

"I'm asking if you told him your theory," said Silvanna, narrowing her eyes.

"Well if you know the theory I'm talking about, you must have the same one," said Lily. "And that increases the likelihood of its truth."

"What's going on?" asked Peter.

"I'm asking," said Silvanna, keeping her tone icy cold. "Whether you've shared it."

Lily hesitated. "I'm not an idiot," she said, looking down at the table.

Satisfied, Silvanna stood up to head up to her dorm. Maybe Severus hadn't brainwashed Lily quite as much as she thought. She wrote to Jim that night, but never sent the letter. It had just been something to take her mind off things.


Silvanna did not go home for the Easter holidays. Instead she stayed, with Sirius as per usual, and studied like she'd never studied before. She was going to crush these exams. She was going to get her Transfiguration reputation back, and while she didn't mind coming second to Lily in Potions, there was no way she was going to let Severus beat her. Not a chance, not when she was still so furious with him.

As they moved through April, Silvanna found herself once again seeing less of Remus. He could usually be found in his corner, whispering away with the boys. When he was free, Silvanna also had extra gobstones practice with Hannah to contend with, so time was limited.

Pettigrew's birthday, as usual, was not a particularly spectacular affair, but there was a bottle of firewhiskey involved, and the evening finished with Marlene and Sirius on top of each other again. Silvanna and Remus were both very uncomfortable with this, and thus went to bed early.

She wasn't the only one with this idea, and came across Mary on her way into the dorm, along with Lily who was already sat on her bed. "You lasted a surprisingly long time," said Mary lightly, as Silvanna grabbed her toothbrush.

"Eh," she mumbled through the frothing peppermint, "I think Peter and James are still down there."

"Poor bloke," said Mary, frowning, "His birthday's always rubbish."

"He'll just have to suck it up," said Silvanna. "It'll not like Marlene - she doesn't even get to see any of us."

"True," said Mary.

Lily let out a groan, and snapped her book shut. Silvanna jumped a little in surprise. "I'm bored," she whined. "Can we not do something fun? It's still early."

"Ooh!" said Mary excitedly, bouncing over to Lily's bed and jumping into the end. Silvanna climbed under the sheets of her own. "Let's play truth or dare."

"Oh, yay!" said Lily, grinning. Silvanna was startled at her sudden attitude change - was she feeling alright? "You go first - truth or dare?"

"Uh," Mary said, "Dare."

Without missing a beat, Silvanna said, "Go and swallow some soap."

"You what?" asked Mary, looking baffled.

"From the bathroom," said Silvanna. Lily too, looked puzzled. "You wanted a dare!"

"Fine!" said Mary, heading into the bathroom. They heard a click of a bottle cap, followed by a pause, then, "Yuck!" before Mary rushed out and towards the water jug, downing three glasses.

"I hope you didn't have too much," said Lily, as Mary took her seat again.

"Oh, don't be a wuss, Lily," said Silvanna, smiling. "Me next. I'll have a truth."

"Alright," said Mary thoughtfully, "If you had to kill someone, who would it be, how, and where would you hide the body?"

"Jesus, Mary," said Lily, "That's a bit dark."

"No, it's good," said Silvanna, mind whirring. She knew exactly who she'd kill, but maybe she shouldn't share it. Was there anyone else? She didn't really know that many people. Maybe - "Mulciber," she said firmly. "He's the one that sent Remus to the hospital wing. And I would...oh, give him bloodroot poison."

"That's good," said Lily in agreement, "Minimal outward symptoms."

"Exactly," said Silvanna. "And then for the body...burn his fingertips, obviously, and set his wand on fire. And stomp all his teeth out, obviously, that way they can't identify the body right away, especially if I smash his face in. And then I'd bury it in the forbidden forest."

"Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you," said Mary, making them all laugh. "Right, Lily."

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