Chapter Seventy-One

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Silvanna didn't see Severus for the rest of the day. She saw Lily though, when Silvanna was walking through Spinner's End to pick up her books before heading back to the field. "You shouldn't be here alone, you know," she said to the red-head, who had joined her side as they walked. "It's not safe."

"I've got my wand," said Lily with a shrug. "Did Severus talk to you? About the war?"

"Yeah," said Silvanna uneasily. "That's why I told you it's not safe. For you, I mean."

"What's that supposed to mean?" snapped Lily.

"You're a target, obviously!" said Silvanna. "At least my mum's a witch, and my grandparents-"

"Did you ever hear anymore about them?" asked Lily.

"No," lied Silvanna. "My mum told me they cut her off when she married my dad."

Lily didn't say anything for a moment. "Sounds like you've got it worse than me," she said eventually. Silvanna forced a smile at her. "Look, will you talk to him? He might listen to you."

"What am I supposed to say?" asked Silvanna with a huff as they reached her front door.

"Just - tell him there's help for him?" Lily suggested. "Offer to spend some time with him?"

"I don't have time to spend," said Silvanna.

"But you have time for Jim?" Lily pointed out. Silvanna opened and closed her mouth.

"How did you-? Never mind - who knew you were such a prude?" Silvanna eventually managed to get out. What was wrong with her? She used to be so lovely and snarky. Now she just sounded bitter.

"I'm not a prude," said Lily bitterly. "But Severus said you haven't spent a single night at home since we got back."

"Whatever," said Silvanna with a shrug. "You wouldn't want to if you lived here. Now please go home. Or I'll worry about you." Lily forced a tiny smile and looked up to one of the front windows. Silvanna followed her gaze and saw the curtain of Severus's room swaying as though it had been dropped. "I'll talk to him," Silvanna promised. "He won't actually join them. He likes you too much."


By Thursday, Silvanna could turn herself, and anything her skin came in contact with, invisible. Which meant she could walk around the house whenever she wanted and not be seen. As soon as she'd done it, it was like a switch had been flicked inside of her. Now she could become invisible whenever she wanted, with very little focus or energy needed.

So when she went back to Whitechapel House, they didn't work on invisibility at all, but she was under instruction to keep practicing. Instead, Colette kept her in the large hall, and showed her what it was like to fly. Silvanna watched in amazement as her Aunt looped and dived, curling seamlessly through the air like a knife through water. "You have got to teach me," said Silvanna, grinning and clasping her hands excitedly.

"So, I've read through the notes on legillimency and invisibility," Colette began. "And it looks closest to invisibility. You want to try and get the magic to buzz around you though, not over your skin. And then it'll lift you up if you want it to." It sounded like a lot of work to Silvanna.

"Right," she said, biting the inside of her cheek. Fortunately, it came a lot easier than invisibility had, because she was becoming more well-versed in controlling her magic in general. A few minutes of focussing and summoning her energy, and she was levitating a few inches off the ground. Wobbling, of course.

"That's it," said Colette encouragingly, "Hold in your core for balance - yes! Now try and guide it up the rest of your body - close your eyes, that's it - oh." Silvanna had dropped all of a sudden, and caught unawares, had not caught herself in her feet, so had fallen on her arse.

Panting for breath at the sheer amount of work i've had taken, she clambered to her feet and tried again. And again. By the end of the day, she could feel it buzzing around her waist. So not a day wasted, she supposed.

But on Wednesday, Silvanna had not seen Severus again, and she was beginning to feel very worried. She'd written to Remus, of course, and that was the morning she got her reply.

To Silvanna,

None of us have heard from Sirius since June, but that's what usually happens. James says Mrs Potter would go and take Sirius the moment they get wind that something's wrong, but my dad says it's out of their hands until then.

I'm worrying about him too, though, and I'm not allowed to ask you outright - my mum doesn't want to stress you out - but if you happened to stumble across anything that might be concerning maybe let us know?

How's the rest of your summer going? I suppose your spending all your time at your job? How's that other bloke you mentioned? John? Sorry, I can't remember.

The Lake District was really lovely, I went on loads of walks with Mum and Dad. Although, Dad had to leave for work a couple of times, which I'm assuming means the dementors are still out of hand. I hope they teach us the patronus soon, I hate those things.

Full moon's this week, and I know you said you can't come back at weekends because you're working but keep writing? It's good that your dad is letting you use the owl at weekends this time, at least.

See you soon, hopefully. Love, Remus

Silvanna sighed and checked her watch. If she waited half an hour, her dad would've left the house. She'd have to skip her morning study session under the tree in the field, and she had work later, but a bit of a rest couldn't hurt.

So when the door slammed shut, and there was a creaking on the staircase, Silvanna ambushed her brother in the kitchen. "What do you want?" he snarled.

"Thicko," Silvanna muttered, blocking the stairway. "I was thinking about what you said? About Sirius?"

"Poor you," said Severus, biting into an apple.

"I mean it," said Silvanna. "I want you to tell me."

"It's classified information," he said, fully aware of the carrot he dangled in front of her.

"Right," said Silvanna, already tired of him. "So what do I need to do?"

"Well, for starters," said Severus, "I want your word you won't have anything to do with those marauders. Not even loony Lupin."

"Don't call him that."

Severus tutted at her, then sighed. "I'm not sure I wanted to tell you anyway."

"You don't actually know anything do you?" she demanded as he shoved past her.

"I know what all his bloody howlers mean!" snapped Severus, storming up the stairs and his demeanour full of defence.

Silvanna actually laughed, loudly, before hearing his door slam. Scowling, she stormed upstairs to write to Remus and tell him it had been a false alarm. Thank goodness.

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