Chapter Seven

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Wooo it's the weekend! :)

The next week went by in a flurry of lessons, homework, complaining and reading. Silvanna didn't really do the complaining as she wasn't allowed to, but Marlene and Mary more than made up for it in the evenings when she was forced back to the common room after the library had closed.

Lupin had made it a habit of his to come and find her whenever the rowdiness of the Gryffindors got too much, which was every few days. Either he didn't understand that Silvanna was avoiding him as much as anyone else, or he didn't care. In an attempt to get rid of him, she pointed out that he'd already become rather attached to Potter and Black.

"They won't miss me too much," he had said with a shrug as they worked on the Charms technique essay. "Did you put the part about timing with the incantation?"

"Oh," said Silvanna, surprised that she'd been caught out like that. "No, I didn't. Thanks."

"No problem," he said with a small smile. "No, they normally engage with me more when we're supposed to be in bed. I think the rebelliousness of it excites them. And they don't do their homework until the day before, so that fun group activity's off the table." Silvanna grinned at his sarcasm.

On Friday, Silvanna quickly finished the questions they'd been set for History, smirking when she saw Lupin hadn't taken any notes from the lesson, and so, had hardly made it through his questions, referring to A History of Magic instead. "Here," she said, sliding her measly notes across their table to him.

"How do you stay awake in his lectures?" he mumbled, making Silvanna smile. Someone sneezed behind a nearby shelf, and she turned around, smile gone, to see Severus stood there.

"Can I help you?" she growled, recalling their last conversation in her mind. She'd seen him since then, in lessons or with Lily. They frequented the library too, eager for the neutral territory, but is was generally big enough to avoid them if they kept to their own tables.

"I need to talk to you," he said quietly, nervously eyeing Lupin.

"Quite the chatterbox now, aren't we?" she hissed, stalking over to him so they wouldn't be overheard. "What?"

"Why are you hanging out with him?" asked Severus, his eyes flicking over her shoulder to her housemate.

"Why not?"

"Have you seen his scars?" asked Severus as though she were mad.

"They're only like ours," she said, already growing impatient.

"They're not," he said, shaking his head. "He's in a gang or something."

Silvanna snorted. "Piss off."

"I mean it," said Sev. "I bet he's in on all sorts of dangerous stuff."

Silvanna stared into her brother's eyes. He didn't blink. Neither did she. She didn't even breathe. She tried to divert her thoughts away from her eyes, but they were drying so-

She blinked. Severus smirked. "I've tried to get rid of him-"

"Try harder." For once, Silvanna held her tongue. It had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't stop her. Or Lupin, apparently, because neither could she. He left her hovering behind the shelves, and she reemerged to see Lupin hurriedly look down at his work.

"What a prick," she muttered, before pulling a bit of parchment towards her to write a letter home before making a start on her Defence homework.


Silvanna turned the page in a book called Peter Pan that Lupin had recommended after she'd finished the Wizard of Oz two days prior. It was breakfast, and she was sat alone as always because none of her housemates got up early like she did. Except Lily, but she was always glued to Severus's side.

She finished her toast just as the group of four boys walked in. Potter and Black looked particularly smug, Pettigrew kept shooting glances around, and Lupin just looked tired. They sat down around her, with Lupin slightly opposite, giving her an apologetic look, and Black and Potter on either side of her. Pettigrew hovered a little, before Black pulled him down next to him.

Silvanna made to stand up and leave, but Potter caught the arm of her cardigan and pulled her back down. "Not so fast," he said with a grin.

"We've got a surprise," added Black.

"What are you all doing up, anyway?" she asked. "Too thick to remember what days you've got lessons?" Lupin cracked a small smile, and Black tutted, shaking his head.

"Just watch," said Potter, nodding in the direction of the Slytherin table. It was always the most full out of all the tables, with the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs generally relishing sleep, and the Ravenclaws probably still awake from the night before.

As if on cue, there was a shriek. Black rubbed his hands together and grinned enthusiastically. Lupin just shook his head, an entertained smile on his face as if he knew what was going on behind him. "Oh, Merlin!" a girl cried. Somebody stood up and bolted from the room, and Silvanna caught a flash of colour.

"Did something?" she asked, sipping at her pumpkin juice. She looked into it suspiciously.

"Not to our table, you nitwit," said Black.

"Nitwit, really?" said Silvanna with a challenging look. "And I had such high hopes for you."

"But yes, we did do something," Potter added helpfully.

"And what was it?" she asked, attempting at a bored drawl. It seemed she succeeded, because Black drew away from her.

"Well if you don't want to know," he said with a nonchalant shrug.

"OK," said Silvanna, equally as casual. She stood up and Potter pulled her back down.

"Colour changing potion and cure for boils," he hissed, and Lupin shook his head, laughing at the table.

"And you just...mixed them together?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No," scoffed Pettigrew. "Lupin did." So that's what he'd been doing. The four of them had got bored over the weekend, so they'd spent it picking fun at Slytherins. A weekend well-spent, so long as her git of a brother was on the receiving end of it.

"But it's not a question of how," Lupin told her, leaning forward.

"It's a question of when," Black added.

"When?" asked Silvanna sceptically.

"When," said Potter, "Will they realise it's not in their food, but on their silverware?" Silvanna couldn't help but be mildly impressed.

"Maybe you aren't complete dunderheads after all."

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