Chapter Ninety-Eight

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Eh. Happy reading I guess :)

"Severus will be staying with a friend of mine in Hogsmeade until he feels ready to return to the school," Dumbledore was saying, as Silvanna sat in his office. It was later in the day now, probably early afternoon. "You may join him if you'd like?"

She could only shake her head. "I thought not," said Dumbledore. "And after the display earlier it probably wouldn't be a good idea." Silvanna stared up at him, making her expression stony. He nodded to himself. "I have received a letter from Hope Lupin asking if you would like to stay with them instead?"

"I don't want to be a burden-" Silvanna began.

"Yes, she thought you might say that," said Dumbledore. "I'll ask her to come then?" She nodded. "I'm sure you can imagine your friends want to support you through this. Miss Evans is helping to pack your things for now. And as for taking your OWLs-"

"I'm taking them," said Silvanna firmly. "I've worked hard. I'm taking them."

"Yes, I understand, Silvanna," he said patiently, "But if you should change your mind, rest assured that you will still receive the qualifications your Professors deem appropriate."

"Thank you, Sir," said Silvanna. Her voice was still croaky. "Can I go?"

"Of course," he said. "Professor McGonagall is waiting outside for you. And my condolences once again."


Seeing Mrs Lupin after so long made Silvanna want to simultaneously be sick and cry all at once. She didn't know why, but the hug she received in McGonagall's office after she'd collected Betsy and her trunk felt like it could last forever and ever. "Thank you, Professor," she said as she stepped into the fireplace to floo to the Lupin's.

It was the same as it always had been. A few pots had changed shelves in the kitchen, and she was sure it was a different colour, but the large wooden table still sat in the middle of the room. "Lyall'll be home in a few hours," said Mrs Lupin, her voice soothing. "What do you want to do for now? You must be hungry."

"Not really," Silvanna admitted. "Just tired."

"That's okay," she said. "I've put you in the guest room, just next to Remus's, you remember?"

"Thanks, Mrs Lupin," she mumbled.

"No worries, lovely," said Mrs Lupin. She placed a hand on Silvanna's head, stroking her hair before planting a light kiss on it. "Sleep well."


Silvanna hadn't woken until it was dark outside, and she could hear the faint patter of rain. She'd headed downstairs for some toast, before going straight back upstairs and pretending to sleep. It wasn't that she didn't like being at the Lupin's; she loved it. It was just painful. And unbelievable. And she wanted to be alone.

Two days after she'd first arrived, Dumbledore came to visit, requesting to be alone in the kitchen for a chat. "I've spoken to the Princes," he explained that ver two cups of tea. "And they have agreed to fund and plan the funeral."

"I thought they disowned her?" Silvanna asked.

"They've decided it would be best for Severus and you if they were in attendance," Dumbledore explained. "They set a date for the sixth. And I believe both Miss Evans and Mr Lupin might want to be there for the two of you."

Silvanna nodded. "I dunno about Remus...he didn't know her-"

"Mr Lupin has already asked for permission to attend," said Professor Dumbledore. "Of course, it is up to you."

"No, I want him there," said Silvanna firmly.


The sixth of April, nineteen-seventy-six, was one of the saddest days of Silvanna's life. The service was early in the day, starting at ten o'clock. Their dad was there, in the front row with them. Severus didn't want to sit with her, which resulted in Lily shooting guilty looks down the seat. Not once did Silvanna let go of Remus's hand, whom she had dragged with her to the front. Professor McGonagall was sat at the back with Mr and Mrs Lupin, as was Slughorn, and their grandparents, along with Uncle Floyd and Aunty Colette. None of them spoke a word or shed a tear.

Silvanna tried hard not to cry though it as a stranger talked about her mum. She'd written a few things down to be included - playing in international competitions for her school, always being there for Silvanna and Severus. Eileen Snape's marriage wasn't mentioned. Nor were her parents or siblings.

She was cornered as the small crowd began to disperse, by her Aunty Colette. "Walk with me?" she asked gently. Silvanna cast a glance up to Professor McGonagall and Mrs Lupin, who were watching her carefully, before turning back and nodding in agreement. "I can't imagine how this must feel for you. I know my sister was so kind and loving - she must have been an excellent mother."

"She was," said Silvanna, stiff from the pain in her chest.

"She tried to reach out to me a few years after the pair of you were born," Colette continued. "She said life with your father wasn't quite what she'd expected."

"So you left her there?" challenged Silvanna.

"I was forbidden from speaking to her," defended Colette, her voice still gentle. "You and your brother however, are free to see us whenever you please."

"Thanks," said Silvanna bitterly.

"The Blacks are somewhat bitter about your sudden disappearance. I'm assuming you knew about that?" Silvanna nodded once. "They're open to any future arrangements. And you can take your time. We understand it's quite turbulent for you-"

"That'll be a hard pass," said Silvanna, stopping and turning to face her Aunt. "I want nothing more to do with you, or any other Prince, do you understand me? I have family, and friends, and I don't need you. And I certainly don't need your arranged marriages."

"I see," said Colette, her face growing stony. "I'm sure we'll be in touch again."

She bid goodbye to Lily and Remus after that, after the coffin had been lowered and the goodbyes said, before apparating with Mr Lupin.

She spent the afternoon making tea the muggle way with Mrs Lupin. Chicken and leek pie, with homemade chips and vegetables from the garden. Silvanna knew she wouldn't eat much of it, but it kept her busy and it was something to do.

Speaking of keeping busy, she felt about ready to go back to Hogwarts. It wouldn't be the same, she knew that. But she wanted her friends, and her lessons. The sun would be coming out soon, so they could sit outside. And the full moon was coming up, so Remus would need his prefect duties covering. That would be nice, to spend some time with Lily.

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