Chapter Thirty-Two

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Silvanna was munching on some cornflakes before Herbology, nose buried deep in an Agatha Christie book she'd found in the library. The boys came in with fifteen minutes to eat, as usual, with all of them looking messy and disgruntled, save for Remus, who was as calm as ever.

"You weren't in the library before dinner last night," he said, helping himself to some jam and toast.

"Miss me, did you?" she said with a small smile, looking up from her book briefly. "I've joined the gobstones club. It's on Thursday nights." Sirius let out a loud laugh. "Yeah, I know, it's dorky. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less." She went back to her book, before something else occurred to her. "What were you doing in the library? It's been ages since you've been near me in there."

Remus looked panicked, and Peter dropped the milk jug. "Tergeo," said a prefect called Alice Fortescue, flicking her wand lazily and sweeping the milk away.

"I go in there with you all the time!" Remus protested lazily.

"You do not," scoffed Silvanna.

"Yeah," Mary piped up. "You four are no fun anymore. You just lock yourselves away in your room all evening."

Luckily for the boys, the bell went, and they headed down to the greenhouses. "It's exams coming up soon," explained Remus, "So I was starting revision."

"Oh, Merlin, not this again," moaned Sirius, dragging his feet.

"I've not even had my birthday yet!" protested James pouting.

"As if you were going to revise," scoffed Remus as they made their way out the front doors.

"Yeah," said Peter with a sigh. "I really don't see the point."

They burst out laughing. James and Sirius could get away with not revising. Remus and Silvanna probably could if they wanted to, which they didn't. But Peter...Peter was lucky he'd made it to Second Year.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Peter," Silvanna said, still grinning. "Really. But maybe you should be joining Remus and me in the library." This cheered Peter up only slightly at the prospect of being invited to something, especially something he was going to decline.


The March full moon came and went, and along with it was James's birthday, much to Remus's quiet dismay. Silvanna could tell though, and decided to try and cheer him up by sneaking him some pudding from dinner. The boys had spent the afternoon in the hospital wing, which was nice of them, but it didn't change the fact that Remus was bedridden. And he was hardly about to complain, as it was James's birthday.

They were given something to think about during this time though. Professor McGonagall had come around the common room the night before, handing out forms and subject lists to pick for next year. The five of them frowned down at them while they sat in the hospital wing. Eventually, Sirius spoke. "Well, I'm doing Muggle Studies," he said, writing it down with his quill. "That'll piss my mother off."

"Could be fun," said James with a shrug, also writing it down. Peter started scribbling ferociously, and Silvanna got the sense that he was just copying them.

"Yeah, I guess," said Remus, also writing it down. "Silvanna?"

"No point is there?" she said. "I've spent my life in the muggle world, only hearing about the wizarding world."

"Easy O," said James, waving his quill at her.

"Nah," said Silvanna. "I'm doing Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, they look good. Dunno what else though."

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