Chapter Sixteen

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  I hope you all have a stupendous day. Even though it's a Monday :)

On the first Monday back, Remus didn't come to the library with Silvanna. In fact, when she returned to the common room that evening, none of the boys were there at all, instead wandering around the castle or holed up planning something in their dorm. She took the opportunity to play a game of gobstones with Mary, beating her in both rounds.

At breakfast on Tuesday, the four of them were whispering among themselves. At first, Silvanna thought it might be another prank, but it ended with Black angrily storming off, followed shortly by a scowling Potter and a worried Pettigrew. Silvanna tried to talk to Remus, but before she could reach him the bell went, and they went off to History.

It wasn't until Charms that Silvanna discovered what the bickering had been about. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, and Black leaned forward, handing her a crumpled corner of parchment. She unfolded it, peering down.

Thanks for the healing potions. They were really helpful.

Silvanna smiled and jotted down her response.

About bloody time. No problem though :)

She handed it back over her shoulder and heard a scratch of a quill. It grazed her shoulder once more, and she looked down.

Remus made me say thanks. I mean it though. You won't tell anyone?

Silvanna dipped her quill in her ink. Of course she wouldn't. But the next moment, Flitwick cleared his throat. Silvanna shoved the note under her textbook - she hadn't seen his low-down head coming towards her desk. But it was too late. He held his hand out expectantly.

Her insides squirming, Silvanna handed over the note. He read it once. She watched him read it again. There were people staring over at her now, and she felt her face flush with warmth. "Black, is this your handwriting?" he asked, waving the note in the air.

Black cleared his throat nervously. "Er, yes, Sir."

"Both of you will stay behind at the end," he said. "Now, Snape, will you please have a go at the softening charm for me?"

Silvanna raised her wand, pointing it at the pebble in front of her, and well aware of the eyes in the class still pointing her way. She bit her tongue, recalling the wand movement, before giving it a go. "Spongify," she said.

Professor Flitwick prodded the pebble, and it squashed down under his finger. "Well done, Snape!" he said. "Did everyone see how her twirls were quite sharp in the air...?"

After the lesson, Silvanna and Black hovered around their desks, wondering why on earth they were made to stay. Normally they'd just have received a few point deductions for passing notes, which were of no real consequence. Maybe it was because she swore? She shuffled closer to him. "I'm really sorry," she mumbled.

"Don't worry," he hissed back, while Flitwick collected the textbooks. "It was my fault." Before she could protest, the door opened, and in stepped Professor McGonagall. She ignored the presence of the two Gryffindors, striding over to Flitwick, who handed her the parchment. She read it, a faint frown forming in her face.

"Snape, you brewed these potions, correct?" asked McGonagall. Is that what she was in trouble for?

"Yes, Professor," said Silvanna quietly, making sure she kept eye contact but still made herself small. That way she looked like she was listening, but not in an arrogant sort of way. It didn't always work, but she'd learned it was the most effective way to avoid further conflict.

"You gave them to Black?" McGonagall pushed.

"Yes, Professor," repeated Silvanna.

"The both of you anticipated needing to use them?" Silvanna went very quiet, and Black shuffled next to her. She wanted to be sick. She didn't even care that it was lunch, or that she'd been looking forward to her omelette all morning.

"Yes, Professor," Black murmured.

"Yes," Silvanna said, her voice barely more than a whisper. They were going to find out. She was sure they already knew.

"Why did you need healing potions, Black?" asked McGonagall, now striding over to them. Flitwick left the room.

He hesitated. "I play a lot of quidditch with my brother," he said eventually.

"And you, Snape?" asked McGonagall. Silvanna tried her best not to fidget, but she knew now that McGonagall didn't really care about her messy hair or her rolled up sleeves.

"I climb trees a lot," she said, repeating what she told Madame Pomfrey. "And I always fall out."

McGonagall nodded, and for a brief moment, Silvanna thought they'd get away with it. "And neither of your parents could provide you with healing potions?" Silvanna froze, her eyes growing wide with terror. Black didn't move either. Neither of them said a word, and McGonagall waited for an answer. The silence stretched out, and Silvanna could hardly breathe.

"Well," she began, hoping for a miracle. "I didn't really want to bother my mum."

"Me too," said Black, jumping on board. "They're really busy, especially at Christmas."

Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows, but for some reason, she accepted this as an answer. "Thank you for being honest with me," said McGonagall. Silvanna's gut twisted with guilt. "I presume this is the reason for the missing potions ingredients Professor Slughorn reported?"

"That was me," said Black straight away.

"I asked him to do it though," said Silvanna quickly. "Professor," she added.

Professor McGonagall nodded, looking grim. "Thieving is not tolerated at Hogwarts," she told them, and Silvanna shuddered. "Twenty points will be taken from Gryffindor, and you will both receive detentions." They nodded solemnly. It could've been a lot worse - Silvanna thought she was quite lucky in all honesty. "However, you should know that Madame Pomfrey will happily provide such potions, with or without asking questions." Silvanna could see a knowing glint in her eye. "Black, if you would follow me? Snape, you may go and have your lunch."

When she arrived at lunch, she picked at a bread roll while the others bombarded her with questions. Mary and Marlene wanted to know what they'd written, and Silvanna told them it was a joke about finding the lesson easy. The boys wanted to know where Black was, and Silvanna told them he'd had to go with McGonagall. She also told them about how the two of them had detention.

"Without us?" said Pettigrew, looking hurt and offended.

"Eh, don't worry, Pete," Potter had said with a wink and a grin. "We'll find a way around it."

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