Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sorry I'm late (again)! Here now :)

The second of September fell on a Saturday, which meant the first day of term was on a weekend. Silvanna didn't much mind this, and took the opportunity to go and see Madame Pomfrey right away. Much like before, Pomfrey cleaned and sealed up any mucky or open gashes, muttering something about scarring. She made Silvanna sit in bed for nearly the whole day while the potions worked, but she didn't much mind and had come prepared, reading through her new textbook, which had some rather fascinating spells in it.

Pomfrey pretty much left Silvanna to herself for the day, providing some soup for lunch, and not even asking about the root of her injuries, knowing the answer she'd get. At teatime, Silvanna was let out, but as she was leaving she crossed paths with Severus, who was being marched in by Professor Slughorn. He scowled at her. "What are you doing here?" he spat, clearly uncomfortable. Silvanna got a strong whiff of a toilet from him and wrinkled her nose up.

"Madame Pomfrey was treating all those scratches I got when we were climbing trees in the summer," Silvanna told him coolly. Severus's face relaxed in realisation, before contorting back into a frown. Before either of them could say anything more, Pomfrey ushered her out, looking disgruntled and muttering something about 'being early'.

Silvanna hadn't been missed all day, as everyone had assumed she'd been in the library, a falsity she happily encouraged. Marlene and Mary happily chatted to her about how they'd spent the day on the Quidditch pitch, as Marlene was wanting to try out for the team this year. Silvanna had never really understood the game, so just nodded and smiled in all the right places.

Something that mildly concerned her was all the glares their table were receiving, including some from Lily herself. The boys were giggling, which meant they'd had something to do with it. "What?" she asked them, shuffling down the bench.

Remus shook his head, and Sirius and James wheezed harder, tears pouring down the face of the latter. She was surprised he managed to get any of his chicken down his throat. Thankfully, Peter was more than eager to share the tale, and turned towards her.

"Let's just say we thought that the toilets should be as secure as the common rooms," said Peter with a grin.

"I...don't..." said Silvanna with a confused frown.

"They put passwords on the toilets," said a nearby third year girl. "Pricks."

"Oh come on," said Sirius, batting his eyelashes at her. "You know you love us really." She rolled her eyes and turned back to her own conversation.

"I don't see what's so bad about that," Silvanna said, and they looked at her, offended. She shrugged. "You can just go back to your dorm."

"Oh, no," said James, shaking his head patronisingly. "No, if you try to open the door without knowing the password..." He trailed off, looking to Sirius.

"Dungbomb on the floor," he finished. "Stinksap everywhere." Silvanna laughed at that, imagining the scenes of terror.

"But that wasn't enough for you, was it, Potter?" snapped Lily, looking furiously down the table at them.

"What else did you do?" she asked them, grinning.

"We may or may not have put a diuretic potion in Snivellus's morning pumpkin juice," said Remus with a small shrug.

"Oh, Merlin, you should've seen it!" exclaimed Sirius, recalling fondly. "He must've been busting for the loo, because he tried nearly every toilet in the castle!"

"Didn't seem to catch on that we'd charmed them all the same way," James added with a wide grin. Silvanna could not stop laughing as she clutched at her sides. That's what the smell had been earlier then.

"It was horrid," said Lily, and Silvanna tried to pull a straight face and nod in approval, but it didn't quite work. Instead she just laughed more. "You should be defending him!" Lily snapped at her.

"Oh, relax, Lily," she said, eating a forkful of mashed potato. "It was just a joke."

"He was covered in stinksap!"

"Not sure he still needed the loo after the fifth time though," said Remus thoughtfully, having finally recovered from his laughing fit. Of course, this sent the others into wheezes again, and Silvanna grinned, shaking her head.

"That'll teach them to put the first day on a weekend," she said, rolling her eyes.


The next day was spent much like the first for many. Silvanna had been up bright and early to purge the library of any and all good books. Oh, Merlin, how she'd missed it! With its musty smell of decaying parchment, that was oddly quaint. She could see people flying around on the quidditch pitch from the window near her table, and large groups congregating on the lawns and the lake banks. But she was perfectly happy inside.

On the first day of lessons there was a lot of moaning and groaning as people dragged themselves out of bed. People being Marlene. She was still not a morning person.

They were all at breakfast together, as Silvanna had reluctantly agreed to wait for Remus (and by extension, the boys) the day before. McGonagall handed out the timetables, and James was the first to let out a groan. "We've got an extra History of Magic than last year!" he whined. "We don't need to do it everyday!"

"And it's with the Slytherins," said Sirius, looking like it was a personal attack on him.

Silvanna's face lit up a little at this. "So you're saying for the most boring subject, that we have everyday-"

"No need to rub it in," mumbled Peter.

Silvanna ignored him. "-we're in the same class as dear old Snivellus?" Their faces lit up a little after that, and the four of them conversed in quiet whispers for the rest of breakfast, clearly plotting away.

She did scowl a little at her own timetable though. They were only with the Hufflepuffs - the only house she could stand, including her own - for one lesson out the whole week, and that was bloody Herbology. But they did have Charms first, and she'd read nice and far ahead already, so she supposed that was something.

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