Chapter Seventy

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Have a lovely jovely day! :)

The first letter from Remus came on the Wednesday of week one.

Hi Silvanna,

I hope you're doing OK. If I don't hear from you, I'm going to assume your dad confiscated the owl again.

Just to let you know, full moons are week four and week eight, and this week and next week we're on holiday in the Lake District. Apart from that my dad has promised to check on you if you don't reply, just on his way back from work, so please don't worry.

I really hope you're alright, and my mum says we're here if you need anything, just let my dad know if you see him. Say hi to Lily for me.

Love, Remus

Silvanna sighed heavily, knowing full well she couldn't use her mum's owl without being punished for it. She could use the floo network now, she supposed. If only she could let him know.

A thought occurred to her, and she hurriedly scribbled her response. The Princes would definitely have an owl she could borrow! Or she could go to Diagon Alley and buy one, if all else failed. She'd definitely have to visit, though, even if she couldn't go for the day. Maybe for tea one evening? She was sure Remus would let her know.

She was beginning to worry though. Yes, she'd only been at home for two and a half days, and yes she'd been very busy with Jim, and the work for Evelyn, and work, and the actual homework from school. But that didn't change the fact that she hadn't seen Severus since she'd got back. He couldn't go anywhere, could he? So was he just holed up in his room all the time? He didn't even come down for dinner.

The murmur of arguing downstairs came to an abrupt halt. "Silvanna!" roared her dad, and she jumped, despite expecting it. "Get down here!"

She scurried down the stairs, aware that she was probably going to be late for work. "Yes, Dad?" she asked as she reached the living room.

"Where've you been then?"

Silvanna looked to her mum, who was looking at the carpet. She decided to lie - this was just too important. "My friend's house."

"Which friend?" he asked slowly. A little bit of spit flew from his mouth and onto her cheek, and she resisted the urge to wipe it away.

"His name's Remus," she said with a small shrug.

"His?" repeated her dad. Silvanna nodded. "You're not going again."

She didn't know what came over her. But Silvanna Snape folded her arms, and raised her eyebrows. "I'd like to see you stop me." She heard Severus's door creak open upstairs - he was alive, then.

The hand collided with her cheek before she could even register it. The hit didn't just sting, it ached and throbbed, and her fingertips were icy cold against it. "You can't hit me!" said Silvanna, unaware of what came over her. "It's not right!"

Her dad pushed her, and she backed into the wall, reaching for her wand, but he hit her again, this time landing a fist in her gut. She doubled over, winded, but he bundled up her hair and slammed her head back against the wall, his face inches from hers, his breath and sweat so foul they fogged her brain.

"In my house, I'll do whatever the fuck I want," he said, more spit flying from his mouth.

Silvanna looked him dead in the eye. Would she die? Would he kill her? "I'm going to be late for work." They held each other's eyes for a little while longer, and Silvanna was ready to start using magic, when he let go of her.

"We'll talk later," he threatened. Silvanna half smiled as she walked out, smoothing down her choppy hair and wiping her face with the back of her hand. As if she'd give him the chance.


The following weekend was just as exhausting as the first, but this time she managed to get her full-body invisibility, even if she really had to strain. "It comes easier with practice," promised Evelyn, having consulted the book. "You'll have it by September."

Evelyn had been very happy to let Silvanna send her letter using one of the family owls. She'd done some more duelling with Colette, while simultaneously being quizzed on her reading for that week, and she did okay there. She also practiced some more legillimency, and Evelyn told her it was coming along nicely.

So, although exhausted, Silvanna went away the following week and did more work for the Princes, along with her regular homework, and time at the shop. And she also spent more time in Jim's room.

Silvanna hadn't really expected it. In all honesty, she didn't really know what she was doing. But Jim had decided he wanted to take things a little bit further, and Silvanna didn't protest. In later years she would look back, embarrassed, and wish she'd stopped him short, but for now, Jim could do whatever he pleased as far as she was concerned, even if she did find it a bit gross. There were worse places to spend your nights. They didn't do it that week, but - as Marlene would say - things got a little more heated. On Jim's end, anyway. Silvanna was just bored; she supposed that was just how it went.

One morning, before the world had begun to stir, Silvanna was heading back to Spinner's End, Jim having left for rugby training. She was just crossing the field when a familiar, dark-haired, sallow-faced brother started walking across it in the opposite direction. Silvanna almost stopped short, but instead pretended not to notice him, hoping she'd do the same. She wasn't so lucky.

"Where in Merlin's name have you been?" he demanded shoving into her.

Silvanna looked around, checking no one was watching, before pushing him back. "Mind your potatoes, you tosser."

"It's not funny, Silvanna," said Severus, getting in her face. "There's a war going on."

Silvanna adjusted her satchel strap, picking at the frayed leather. She desperately needed a new one. And new boots. And trousers. "No shit," she said eventually, internally scowling at her pathetic comeback.

Severus sighed, looking around the field. If this didn't hurry up, Silvanna would bump into their dad before he left for work. "Will you please just keep your head down?" he asked her, a hint of desperation in his voice. "I'm going to talk to Lily now - there are things going on - you don't understand-"

"What things?" demanded Silvanna. "Why can't you keep your head down? You're not considering joining the Death Eaters, are you, Sev?" She never, ever called him that. He picked up on it.

"It might be for the best," he snapped quietly, but there was nowhere around to hear. The earth was still cold from the dead of night. "They're winning, you know. And I've got in with some good people, you and Lily-"

"If you're calling Avery and Mulciber good people-" Silvanna began.

"What about Regulus Black?" challenged Severus. "If his idiot brother keeps going the way he's going, Regulus'll be one of the most powerful people in wizarding Britain."

"Don't talk about Sirius," snapped Silvanna. Something shifted in Severus's eyes.

"You should be careful, hanging around him," he said nastily. "You've no idea what his family's capable of."

"I know perfectly well," said Silvanna, scolding herself for sounding posh. Stupid Hogwarts. "I think it's you who's got no idea."

Severus actually smiled. "You think my time spent at home is without reward?" he said, his voice laced with spite. "I'm doing things - important things, Silvanna - and in return I have the perfect insight into the lives of the pureblood aristocracy." Silvanna knew exactly what he meant. Something had happened to Sirius at home, she was certain.

"What's happened?" Silvanna asked quickly. "Tell me, Severus, is Sirius in trouble?"

Severus shrugged, pushing past her and continuing on his way. "You know how you can find out," he called over his shoulder.

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