Chapter One-Hundred-and-Four

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Once again, Silvanna had found herself in trouble, sat at McGonagall's desk. "If the violence and arguing between your brother and yourself is going to become a problem, we will have to seek further action," McGonagall was saying. "We do have excellent exchange programs, although there may be a language barrier. Or I have contacts at Ilvermorny?"

"You want to send me away?" Silvanna concluded, raising her eyebrows.

"No, Snape-" began Professor McGonagall.

"Well that's what it sounds like," Silvanna pushed.

"Do not interrupt me," said McGonagall coolly. Silvanna hastily shut her mouth. "It is more a case of your own sa-" There was a knock at the door. "Come in."

It opened, and Professor Dumbledore strode through, as unnecessarily cheery as always. "Good afternoon, Minerva, Silvanna. I hope your exams went well?"

"Alright, yeah," said Silvanna, confused as to why he was here.

"I see no need to beat around the bush," said Dumbledore, perching on the end of Mcgonagall's desk. "I have recently heard from the Princes. And they're adamant that both you and Severus stay with them this summer."

"No," Silvanna said instantly.

"Patience, Silvanna," said Dumbledore. "I've informed the Auror office that you would not be comfortable with this, and of how unwise it would be for your brother to go there. They agree with me."

"Good," said Silvanna, sitting back. Then, "What have they got to do with anything?"

Dumbledore smiled but only briefly. His face turned very grave. "After the account you gave to us the day your mother died, they've opened an investigation into the safety of your home. They've spoken with Madame Pomfrey, Professors McGonagall and Slughorn, and of course myself, along with visiting your home and asking your father some questions.

"Here arises our complication," he continued. "The Princes are your only living relatives, and thus if your father was deemed unfit, your guardianship would pass onto them-"

"What if they were deemed unfit?" Silvanna persisted.

"The law is unclear," said Dumbledore, "The children in question would be adopted into another, well-established wizarding family. As such, you can see why that isn't an option - most of them have sided with Voldemort-" Silvanna shuddered at the name, "-and there's no guarantee that another family, such as the Potters or the Lupins, would win the legal battle that would ensue. Especially given their son's relationships with your brother."

"I see," said Silvanna. "So we can't go the Princes...Has my dad even been deemed unfit?"

"Having spoken with the Aurors on the case," Dumbledore said, "they've informed me that 'he possibly could be, yes,'. However this would pass your care over to the Princes, and it is vital that Severus does not learn of them and their magic just yet. Especially given the scenario that happened earlier today.

"So it rests with you Silvanna. If you wish, you can move into the Princes', or find another wizarding family. But that isn't an option for your brother, I'm afraid."

"He has to stay with my dad?" asked Silvanna. Dumbledore nodded gravely. "I'm not leaving him."

"Snape, please think," said McGonagall. In all honesty, Silvanna had forgotten she was there. "Your brother is very capable - I hardly think he needs your protection."

"Abuse isn't just physical," Silvanna said. "It can be emotional and manipulative too. My mother saw that - it's why she left. I've got friends in Cokeworth; they can help me - us. And it's a loyalty thing too. I want Severus to know I'm there when he gets his head out his arse. Pardon my gobbledegook."


The last two weeks of term passed quicker than Silvanna would have liked. Severus was a twat, as predicted. One night he even threatened to camp outside the Gryffindor common room, until Lily put him straight.

She didn't seem upset as such. Just angry, and a little bit embarrassed. Silvanna hadn't even tried saying 'I told you so' - none of them had. They'd decided it was just best to let Lily process things until she came to her own conclusion. But everyday it was looking more and more like she wouldn't forgive Severus. Which was fine by Silvanna.

Soon they were on the Hogwarts Express home. It was safe to say Silvanna was the most nervous she'd ever been. She had Betsy on her lap, and was running her fingertips over a particularly soft patch of feathers. Remus didn't fail to notice.

"Are you going home, Silvanna?" he asked, frowning at her.

"Oh, yeah," she said, giving Betsy a nudge so she flew up into the luggage rack. "Yeah, we both are."

"Well you've got Betsy now," said James. "So you better write. Or I'll have Moony whining through the floo every ten minutes again like last summer."

"Will do," said Silvanna with a small smile.


Silvanna cooped up in her room for the first few days. Her dad, it seemed, had lost his job, so was around almost all the time. But he didn't bother her. He was too pissed out his mind to notice her and Severus had come home. She wrote to Remus of course, who invited her to stay after they got back from their holiday in Scotland. It was just him and Mrs Lupin this time - apparently his dad was too busy with work.

Remus had suggested meeting Lily, or going to hers for tea, but Silvanna thought it would be too harsh a reminder about the shattered relationship with Severus. And he was probably already stalking her - didn't need Silvanna doing it too.

In truth, Silvanna had one reason for staying in her room all day. There'd been more boxes added - quite a lot more - since Silvanna had been there last summer. And inside were all her mum's old things, which she now spent her days going through. There were a fair few tear-stained letters. Quite a lot from her Aunty Colette, apparently during Hogwarts years. Some from someone called Sarah. She'd been at Ilvermorny, and they'd met up during Gobstones tournaments. Silvanna thought it might be the woman she'd met at the end of second year.

So this was how Silvanna spent her days. Jim had been round at one point, and they'd sat on the pavement outside Silvanna's house and chatted about everything they could. It wasn't the same. He was too awkward now - probably because of her mum. "I'll see you around, then," he'd said at the end. Silvanna didn't blame him - who wanted to hang around someone as mopey as her?

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