Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Number one in #remuslupin!! what???? :)

When Silvanna finally arrived at the library to do the Charms and Runes homework, she headed straight to the back near the window overlooking the lake. She walked so fast, she could've taken off - and she happily reminded herself that that was a realistic possibility. But Dumbledore had said to keep it on the down-low, so that was what she'd do. It seemed important anyways.

She let out a groan when she saw there was some geeky seventh year sat at her table. "For fuck's sake," she muttered, rolling her eyes and turning on her heel.


Her head shot around, before she burst into muffled giggles. "It's you!" she hissed, and laughed harder when Remus began to giggle too. "I didn't recognise you! Merlin, I didn't think you've changed that much since June?"

Remus shrugged, shifting his things around to make room for her. "My mum says I'll never stop growing."

"Bless your Mum," said Silvanna, pulling out A Spellman's Syllabary. "She's brilliant."

"You big cheese-eater," scoffed Remus. "What did Dumbledore want anyway?"

"Oh, yeah," said Silvanna. "I'm not really supposed to say. It was stuff to do with the war."

"The war?" asked Remus, dropping his quill. "What's that got to do with you?"

Silvanna shifted uncomfortably. "Um...something to do with my mum and my grandparents. He didn't tell me much, just to keep my brother away from them, pretty much."

"Oh, right," said Remus, not probing any further. "Good luck with this, by the way. It's taking me bloody ages."

"It's not a translation, is it?" asked Silvanna, peering down at the prompt. Write a rune description that would enable the waterproofing of a roof. It didn't seem so bad, but then Remus had always been very good at translating, and Silvanna very poor. Maybe this was more her style. She hoped so anyway. God knew she needed her grade pulling up by the end of the year.


Remus had his patrols on Monday and Wednesday nights and by extension, so did Lily. This left Silvanna with a problem. Firstly, because it left the other three boys unsupervised. And secondly, because Louisa Allard had been taken under Lily's wing, so when she wasn't there, she was left to Silvanna.

This had happened earlier that day in Defence too, when Lily had paired off with Severus, and Louisa had decided to choose the better of the two twins, and reluctantly paired with Silvanna. They'd spent the best part of an hour casting spells to make chairs fly into the air, and then each other, along with a large amount of blocking.

"Do not take offence," said Louisa as they headed down the lawns to Care of Magical Creatures, "But your brother - he gives me a bad feeling. Like he does not like me."

"Oh, the only person he likes is Lily," said Silvanna. "I like to call her his little ginger obsession to wind him up."

"I will not be winding him up," said Louisa, scowling and shaking her head. A few strands of her hair fell out her knot, but Silvanna thought they framed her face so beautifully they were best left there. "Lily is lovely - but she has tried making me study with him, and I do not like him."

"Well," said Silvanna, as they reached the paddock they'd be studying from for the first hour, "I can hardly blame you for that."

By Thursday, Louisa had basically glued herself to Silvanna's side whenever Lily wasn't around - although when she was, Silvanna readied herself to be shunted away. Who would pick her over Lily Evans? - and thus, after double Defence, Louisa joined Remus and Silvanna in the library to do their homework, and make a start in looking over notes for tomorrow's lessons.

At quarter to five, after finishing her star chart for Astronomy, she began packing away her things. "Where are you going?" demanded Louisa, who was frowning at some Herbology work.

"Oh, I have gobstones," said Silvanna. Remus snorted. "Shut up. I'm a big fat nerd, so what?"

"I like gobstones," said Louisa, quickly packing her things away. "I'll come too."

"Who's the saddo now?" challenged Silvanna while Louisa capped her ink pot.

"Still you," Remus assured her, returning to Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection.

"I do not think it was sad," said Louisa firmly as they left the library.

"Oh, he was only kidding," said Silvanna lightly. She was starting to like Louisa more and more. Always speaking her mind, hating on her brother. She was fitting right into Gryffindor.

"All the same," said Louisa, flouncing in after Silvanna.

"Good evening, Snape," said McGonagall as they entered. "And you've brought Allard too, wonderful. A word, if you please?"

If Silvanna gave out any more words, she'd soon be running dry. Nevertheless, she discarded her bag while Louisa started a game with a forth year Slytherin. "Yes, Professor?"

"Would you be interested in captaining this year's team?" asked McGonagall quietly. Silvanna found herself a little taken aback, although she shouldn't have been; she was the longest-serving competitor left.

"Uh, yeah, OK," said Silvanna, and McGonagall nodded curtly. "What do I need to do?"

"Nothing much until May," said Professor McGonagall. "Organise the interhouse tournament, and arrange the Championship team." Silvanna nodded - that meant she was going to have to pay extra attention to who she played against.

"Sounds great," she said. "Where is it this year?"

"Beauxbatons," said McGonagall stiffly. "So keep an eye on Allard, will you?"


Silvanna really needed to find some friends. Well, no. She had friends. But Remus had the boys, and Louisa had Lily, and Lily had Severus. Lily wasn't even really a friend - more a reliable acquaintance. And Silvanna had only known Louisa for a few weeks. And Remus kept bloody disappearing at a moment's notice. It was like he was the one that could turn invisible.

Anyway, by the time the September full moon rolled round, it was very clear to Silvanna that her fifth year was going to be one of complete chaos. Although the boys had - rather worryingly - finished their project, they were still clearly very close, and thus, Remus's time in the library couldn't always be timetabled.

Then there was the whole Lily and Severus thing, which according to a Thursday-night breakdown on Lily's part was going rather poorly. Thank goodness Mary had handled it so well, and Silvanna, Louisa, and Marlene could just watch and nod, and hope nothing was said that might upset someone further.

Louisa had been thrown into the mix too, but she was about as reliable as Remus, in all honesty. It was clear she didn't like the boys very much, and so avoided Silvanna when she was with them. But she liked Severus even less, so avoided Lily when she was with him.

So, while Silvanna found herself in the library every night, it was a complete gamble as to whether she'd be completely alone, or competing for table space. But honestly? She was fine with either. Work was work and friends were friends. Both would always be there, with or without the other.

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