Chapter Thirty-Five

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Right, so I know I only write HP fanfic, but I really want to write a book about pirates because they're literally so cool. So how would you guys feel about an AU where they're all pirates instead of wizards? I feel like that'd be cool? :)

In round four, there were only eight students left. Three from Koldovstoretz, one from Beauxbatons, one from Mahoutokoro, two from Uagadou, and Silvanna.

She took her seat at table eight once more, and the girl from Uagadou beamed at her. Silvanna smiled politely back, before taking the first move.

This game was over far quicker than the last, although they were only second to finish. The Uagadou student was far less defensive than the Koldovstoretz student, which left her open to more attacks. Silvanna won, unable to believe how far she'd got.

Unfortunately, her next match in the semi-finals was against another student from Koldovstoretz on table seven. Really she was playing a losing game from the start. He never left his stones unprotected, and quite frankly Silvanna had got lucky in round three. Her game wasn't over quickly by any means, but the student from Mahoutokoro was putting up a good fight against the other Koldovstoretz student. They were the one in the gold robes, when everyone else had been in pink.

The final was the gold Mahoutokoro student against the Koldovstoretz student that had beaten Silvanna. It took ages, and Silvanna really needed the loo, but the spectators seemed really interested, and Henry was even taking notes. After almost a forty-five minute game, Koldovstoretz was announced the winner of the tournament.

The groups all headed out the temple and down the path, out the clearing. Silvanna now noticed that near their train were several other modes of transport. The Koldovstoretz students were getting in a huge, hollowed-out tree, and Ilvermorny were already departing in a hot air balloon. There was a giant carriage, and in the nearby river Silvanna spied a huge ship. The Uagadou students and the Mahoutokoro students were all gathered around two random bricks in the ground, which Silvanna took to be portkeys.

She was ushered into the train by McGonagall, and was relieved to find the compartments still cool. She handed her tie back to McGonagall, feeling exhausted. "What time is it, Professor?"

"Four o'clock here," she said as their train began to move. "Seven o'clock in Scotland." Ah. That explained it.

An hour into the journey, Professor McGonagall left the compartment and returned with two large trays of sandwiches and cauldron cakes, along with more pumpkin juice. Silvanna ate until she was full, and then finally went to use the toilet. When she came back, she read her book for a few hours until she finished it, and she then decided that she was going to curl up and have a nap, using her robes as a blanket.


When Silvanna returned to Gryffindor common room at well past midnight, it was empty. However, when she arrived at her dorm, Mary, Marlene, and Lily were still wide awake, and in the middle of a game of exploding snap. They all jumped up at once, demanding to know details, but Silvanna managed to keep them at bay until she'd at least showered.

When she climbed onto her bed, they all jumped on too, looking excited. "Did we win?" asked Mary.

"No," Silvanna said quickly. "No, but I did make it to the semi-finals."

"That's really good!" said Marlene, thumping her on the shoulder. Silvanna jumped instinctively, but Lily covered it up.

"What are the other wizarding schools like?" she asked, looking excited.

"I really just want to go to bed," said Silvanna. They looked at her expectantly, and she immediately caved. "Castelobruxo's great. It's like this golden temple in the middle of the jungle, and the students wear bright green robes. It was really hot too. And then there's Koldovstoretz, they won, but apparently they do every year..." She told them all about the different schools and students, and how they fit there, and all about the food she'd eaten and the games she'd played in.

"How did you get there?" asked Marlene, fiddling with a loose strand of her hair.

"On the Hogwarts Express," said Silvanna. "But it was rad. When we got to the sea, it went into this underwater tunnel thing. I think it was like a portal or something, because almost straight away we were back on land, but in Brazil."

"That's so cool," said Marlene, looking amazed. Silvanna nodded, yawning.

"What did you guys pick for your subjects anyway?" Lily asked them.

"Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Creatures," said Silvanna. "You?"

"The same," said Lily. "Sev is too." Silvanna rolled her eyes.

"Hah!" said Marlene. "I'm doing Divination and Creatures, they looked the easiest."

"I'm doing Creatures too," said Mary. "And Ancient Runes."

"Do you know what the others are doing?" Marlene asked Silvanna.

"They're all doing Muggle Studies," said Silvanna. "All together, holding each other's hands." The four of them laughed. "Remus is doing Arithmancy and Runes, and Sirius is doing Arithmancy as well, and then Peter and James are doing Divination."

"Black's doing Arithmancy?" asked Lily, shrivelling up her nose in distaste.

"Yes, Lily," said Silvanna, growing exasperated. "They're not stupid, you know."


On the very last day of term there was the usual scuffle to pack things gone missing, reminders not to do magic handed out, and of course, exam results released. Silvanna had come top in Astronomy again, and to her delight had beaten both James in Transfiguration and Severus in Potions. In retaliation, James and Sirius had come top in Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Lily had only just beaten Remus in charms. Somehow, despite the immense number of Gryffindors being best, Slytherin still won the house cup.

"Probably all those house points those bloody second years lost in March," Silvanna heard Frank Longbottom, a sixth year prefect mutter as she passed.

The train ride back was somehow both long and short, and Silvanna found it wanting to end even less than she had last year. Remus seemed to notice this from where he sat opposite her, reading his book. "It'll be fine," he said, his voice light and reassuring. "You can always come and visit again."

"Yeah," said Silvanna. Two months was a long time though.

"Cheer up," said Sirius. "We'll be back in no time."

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