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"Aliens?" Bellamy crossed his arms over his chest, examining the... colorful outfits the girls were wearing. Well, colorful in comparison to the dark clothing they had known their whole life.

"Yeah we put on makeup to cover our green skin," Mya couldn't help but give him a teasing smirk. 

"Mya you are not helping!" Lea whacked her friend with her free arm. You know, the one that wasn't in excruciating pain from landing on top of a poorly made tent.

"Whatever, let's just kill them," Murphy really didn't care where these two girls were from. He just didn't want another whiny voice yapping in his ear. He clutched the knife he had made from the dropship spare parts, walking towards them.

"No," Bellamy grabbed his sleeve, pulling him back before he could get to them.  "We need to question them, they could be with the grounders."

"Do I look like I sleep in the forest and hunt food?" Mya raised a brow at him. 

"Once again, not helping," Lea huffed out.

"What's going on?" Clarke had pushed past the group of fellow delinquents after she noticed two screaming girls falling from the sky. She finally got through, standing next to Bellamy peering her eyes down at the girls. "Are you alright?" The medic in her went straight to helping Lea. 

"I don't know," Lea shook her head. Clarke tried to examine the girl's arm, causing Lea to hiss out a painful cry. "T-That doesn't feel right."

"I think you broke it," Clarke concluded. "Finn, I'm going to need something to wrap her arm up."

"On it," The spacewalker nodded his head, running over to the dropship to find supplies.

"How are you?" Clarke looked to Mya next.

"A bit dizzy, but I'm fine," Mya wanted to focus more on her hurt friend than admitting she felt like she needed to puke after falling out of the sky.

"What's going on?"

"Who are they?"

"Did the grounders send them?"

So many confused kids started to shout out all at once. They had just been dropped back on Earth with fingers crossed from their home above that they wouldn't die. Only to be hungry from the lack of food, sleep-deprived from what had been going on, and scared out of their mind by people with dangerously good aim.

"Every quit!" Bellamy shut them all up at once. "We are going to figure out... what exactly is going on here. I want everyone to grab a meat stick, wristband or not, and get out of our hair. Now!"

"Dude, what the hell?!" Murphy grabbed onto his arms as the kids ran to grab food.

"It will keep them distracted for now," Bellamy shoved his arm off of him. Turning back around he watched as Clarke tried to set Lea's broken arm into place with the supplies Finn had gotten her. "We need to bring them to the dropship, get them out of people's sight if things get... ugly."

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