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When they had returned back from the cave, Mya didn't know yet if she should be grateful or not that Bellamy was with them.

True, this was the point where he disassociated with Pike. But Mya knew that was for his sister. For his part in Lincoln's death. She didn't know if he was truly back to them yet. That he actually didn't believe in what Pike had done. 

That was all she cared about.

"How was it?" Mya focused her mind on her returning friends.

"I was nearly shot!" Sirena pointed at herself with wide eyes. "Then I was nearly taken captive by grounders!"

Yuki gave her an exuberant look. "Wow, so it was just you then, and everyone else just sat back and let you deal with it all on your own."

"Well," Sirena dropped her heavy emotions just a bit. "We were shot at and almost taken captive. But I mean, it's important to note that I was also a part of it."

"Lea?" Mya decided to ask her.

Lea let out a heavy breath as she rested her gun against the cave wall. "Bellamy gave Pike over to the grounders and Kane went with them to Polis."

"And you didn't feel like stopping him?" Mya raised a brow.

"No, he's sadly not our biggest priority right now," Lea admitted. Although she liked Kane and felt bad at what he was going to be walking into at Polis, she had learned to start prioritizing things by the maximum disasters. "Camp Jaha?"

"Some girl named Clarke radioed in with that Jasper guy, said they were all chipped by Jaha now and attacked them when he tried to take Raven out," Yuki had been the one with Sinclair when the call came in.

"Jasper?" Sirena tried to ask nonchalantly. "J-Jasper is coming?"

Mya eyed her. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing," Sirena denied, although her cheeks flushed a bit. "Just fun company is all."

Yuki gave her a look to which Sirena just flipped her off. 

"Hey what do you know about these-" But the second Bellamy had approached her to try and ask a harmless question, Mya walked away without even looking at him or saying a word.

"You asshole!" Yuki prodded him in the chest. "I don't care if your back on our side, you're still an asshole!"

"I liked you better when you first got here and were quiet," Bellamy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, that was shock idiot," Yuki rolled her eyes right back at him. "Now I'm me and you're still an asshole."

Bellamy took a deep breath, looking at Lea. "I was going to ask if you know anything about these chips Jaha's been giving out. Mya seemed pretty against them."

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