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They had left Kane, Abby, and Octavia back in Polis to help keep Roan safe and to prevent a war between the clans. Which seemed like the more difficult between the two options if the other one didn't happen to be trying to prevent the end of the world from coming. 


Lea was sat by the window looking at the beautiful rain she used to love to just sit and watch all day long. Most people didn't like Seatle because of its dreadful weather, but she loved it for just that reason. To be able to sit by the window and just read a good book while it rained... It was hard for her to imagine that she was going to have to be scared of it soon.

"We've been at this for two days," Bellamy ran a hand through his hair, feeling tired but not willing to give in to sleep just yet. "There must be something we're not thinking of. What if we can reach the nearest nuclear reactor?"

"I told you, the meltdown started months ago," Raven didn't understand how he was not getting that. "There's no magic button to turn them off. Today this isn't black rain, but it will be soon. That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough to hold all five hundred of us."

"This isn't just about saving us," Clarke told her. "I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone."

"Clarke you should have known that was a false promise to make," Mya shook her head in disappointment. "And I'm not saying we throw the grounders out for dead. But the only place I can think of that can hold a shit tone of people, has been destroyed. What are the chances we find something that can hold... roughly ten thousand people, if that, who are left on Earth?"

"Zero," Lea muttered bitterly, standing up from her seat and walking over to the group with her arms crossed over her chest to keep her body warm. "Maybe Raven's right, maybe we should tell everyone."

"Exactly," Raven pointed to Lea in gratitude for someone backing up her plan. "We can crowdsource it. If there's another Mount Weather out there, the Grounders will know about it."

"And you think they're just going to tell us, just like that?" Bellamy asked redundantly. "If we tell everybody they're gonna die, the Coalition is over, Roan falls, and the grounders will be at our gate."

"Then just tell our people," Raven minimalized the group. "We need more minds on this problem."

"No," Mya shook her head.

"Mya," Lea needed her friend to agree to this.

"We haven't even told Yuki and Sirena this is happening yet," Mya pointed between herself and her friend. "That's because we know they will freak out. How do you think five hundred people will react to hearing that news?"

"Motivated," Raven said. "On the Ark, people volunteered for the Culling because they were told the truth and given a choice. A choice your dad died for, Clarke."

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