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Lea walked into the coms room to see Bellamy still sitting at the computer. "Bellamy, you've been staring at that all night. Go. Get some sleep. I can watch it."

"It's been eight hours," Bellamy had been waiting for something, anything to show up on this screen. "Raven could have built a cathedral by now."

"She'll get it done," Lea placed a hand on her shoulder. "Echo will get the flash drive to her, and Raven will save all our asses again."

"I know," Bellamy nodded his head. "It's just... I wish it was me over there."

Before Lea could try and help him through his mental mind games, the door to the room opened up. Indra, Octavia, and Mya walked in.

"Well?" Octavia raised a brow. "Any word?"

"We knew it would take some time," Lea crossed her arms over her chest. "We can count on Echo."

"Like we counted on her when she helped blow up Mount Weather and tried to kill Octavia?" Mya almost wanted to laugh. "Twice."

"If Bellamy and Lea trust her, maybe we should too," Indra looked at the two stubborn girls. 

"You're still upset we shot the traitors," Octavia noted when Bellamy didn't turn around. "I get how that must look to you, but we're fighting for our lives here, Bellamy. The hydro farm is on its last legs. Truth is, it's a miracle you showed up when you did." She placed her hand on his back, and he glanced at it. "I never thanked you enough for that. If we can just get to Shallow Valley, things will be better, I promise. 

Bellamy shook his head. "Funny... that's the same thing we said about getting back down to the ground." He turned around to look at her. "Then we found you."

Octavia gave him a harsh look before turning around and walking out. Indra and Mya followed after her, closing the door behind them.

"I don't know who scares me more," Lea whispered. "Mya and Octavia."

"I'm getting one of them back," Bellamy wasn't ready to give up on Mya yet. "You going to see Yuki today?"

Lea nodded her head. "Yuki could never hold a secret when we were kids. I can try and squeeze some things out of her."

"Good," Bellamy said. "And if you see my kids..."

"I let them know how much you love them," Lea smiled at him.


Sirena very much did not like this bunker one bit. She did not like the weird cult that worshiped Octavia, and she didn't like that her friends were a part of it. Where once this bunker was a place for all their hopes and dreams to be answered; she could now see it exactly as it was. A dark and terrible place.

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