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Mya laid next to Lea in the bed that was in their tent. There were two beds- or more notably things shoved together to make the appearance of a bed- in their tent, but Mya didn't want to be alone right now.

She just looked up at the top of the tent, replaying what had happened this day. She should have just stopped Charlotte from killing Wells, to begin with. Then, none of this would have happened.

Then she wouldn't have this sinking feeling in her that made her feel that a complete and utter failure. 

"Bellamy was looking at you in a new way," Lea tried to distract her friend's mind.

"Yeah, how so?" Mya asked in a small voice.

"Well, before, he looked at you like you were just someone who annoyed him," Lea told her. "And now, he looks like... I don't know, he was just looking at you differently."

"He asked me to come back to his tent with him," Mya informed her. "I told him no, because I didn't feel like bonding over the death of a child."

"That's probably a smart idea," Lea nodded her head. "But, you know, you can still like him. Even if he's an asshole."

"I don't want to though," Mya admitted in a small voice. Because she knew, if she gave herself to Bellamy... that would be the end of her.

A loud commotion happening outside brought them both to sit up.

"Welp, guess Ravens finally here," Lea stood up on the ground, reaching her left hand down for Mya to take. "Want to go pretend like we don't know?"

"No," Mya shook her head, laying back down. Her hands folded over her stomach and her ankles crossed. "I don't want to be out there right now."

Lea nodded her head, heading towards the flap and pushing it open so she could join everyone else looking up at the sky.

"Lea, do you see it?" Octavia walked over to her. She kept glancing from Lea and back up at the sky.

"Yeah, crazy," Lea pretend to be shocked. Lea had a lot of free time to work on what her surprised face would look like in situations like this one. 

"Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia called to her brother.

Lea looked over her shoulder to see him exiting his tent with two girls following after him. There was the reason Mya didn't want to come out here.

"Look!" Octavia pointed to the sky.

"They're sending down reinforcements," One kid smiled. "Now we can kick some grounder ass."

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo," One of the girls who came out with Bellamy pouted.

Bellamy visibly tensed up, walking back to his tent. Lea decided to follow after him.

"Hey!" Lea threw the flap open fully ready to give him a piece of her mind.

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