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When they had made it down from the top of the tower, they were met with the mass casualties that had been inflicted from shutting down the City of Light and Alie along with it. People were gathering up their dead while also trying to figure out what exactly was going on. They had know they were under Alie's control, but they did not know what they were doing while they were.

Bellamy looked around the people, trying to spot his sister amongst the crowd.

"She'll be fine, Octavia can take care of herself," Clarke tried to reassure him. 

"That's not what I'm worried about," Bellamy knew she could handle her own, but it was what might come next when people found out.

"They won't charge her," Mya shook her head. "No one would after what Pike did. He had it coming after all."

"Maybe we all do," Bellamy darkly said. 

Clarke looked back upon the people still recovering. "How are we supposed to tell these people that the world is ending after everything they've been through?"

"We don't," Mya simply said. "We don't even know if Alie was telling the truth yet, why scare them with that information after they just lost so much."

"It was the truth," Clarke knew Alie wouldn't have just said that for nothing. 

"Still, we keep it between us until we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it," Bellamy told her. 

"You guys are afraid of how people with react," Clarke could see that point.

"Yeah," Bellamy smiled a bit. "And I could also use a break from keeping the two of you alive."

"Shut up, I saved your ass," Mya stuck her tongue out at him. "You gave them their pain back, Clarke, don't make them suffer by telling them the world is going to end in six months."

Clarke nodded her head in understanding.

"Good," Bellamy was glad they were all on the same page for once. "Once everyone's down, we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation take us out."

A woman close by them let out a whale of a cry holding onto a man who was kneeling with his head slumped over.

And Clarke of course, ran to her. So Bellamy and Mya chased after her.

"He didn't fall," Bellamy grew confused about how he was dead.

Clarke had seen the man's face before. "He chased me in the City of Light. Lexa killed him."

The woman stood up from her fallen loved one, giving Clarke a nasty look. "Wanheda. You did this."

People started to form a circle around them, and they all turned their heads in each direction looking worried. 

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