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Lea was right, Mya was pissed as hell when she found out about what happened on the bridge.

"Seriously, Bellamy?" Mya scoffed at him feeling like this fight had been going on for days. "Were you not thinking?"

"I was thinking," Bellamy sat on his head lacing up his boots very aggressively. "I was thinking about my people."

"No, if you were thinking about your people you would have given peace a chance," Mya pointed a finger down at him. "You were just thinking about that grounder being with your-"

"Don't talk about my sister," Bellamy snapped at her as he stood up.

"Fine," Mya raised her hands in surrender on that one. "But tell me, Bellamy, did you even give a peace treaty a chance?"

"No," Bellamy admitted. "Because they are grounders and they were only there to kill our people."

"Jasper fired first did he not?"

"He did. But-"

"No, no buts," Mya gave him a look. "You brought Jasper there, who is still suffering from PTSD from the spear he took, and handed him a gun. You did the one thing people are taught not to do when it comes to safety and guns."

"Well sorry my best shooter was too drunk to shoot," Bellamy hissed. 

"Do not put this on me," Mya poked him in the chest. "This is on you. We are now going to war because of you. I would have never gone out there with you anyways."

"Yeah, because you're scared to fight," Bellamy said.

"No, because I'm smart enough to know when not to," Mya snapped back. She ran a hand through her hair. "I just... I need a break."

"Fine, we'll talk about this later," Bellamy reached over to snatch his jacket up.

"No," Mya sighed, shaking her head. "I need a break from you right now. I just... stay away from me today. Okay?"

Bellamy's jaw clenched up. "Fine." 

He stormed out of his tent leaving Mya alone in it. She didn't want to end things with Bellamy just as it was staring. Mya didn't even think she could if she wanted to. But arguing with him all day wouldn't allow her the time her mind needed to process what she had missed.

And not on a day like this. Not when the exodus charter from the Ark had come down early and crash landed. Quite literally. 

Both Lea and Mya wanted to tell Clarke that her mother wasn't on the ship, but they couldn't risk doing that. 

What they could do, was help survey the wreckage of the crash.

"You're hanging out with me," Lea didn't ask it, she stated it.

"Yeah, so?" Mya pushed some rocks out of the way with her foot, seeing if there was anything useful under there. There wasn't. "I hang out with you all the time, you're my best friend."

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