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Lea kept pacing back and forth in the cave. Her hand anxiously running through her hair to a point that she knew it was probably a complete mess.

She didn't care though, she was worried to death at this present moment because her best friend had not arrived here yet. And she was really praying to whatever god was out there willing to listen to her, that Mya hadn't done some stupid brave hero thing.

Monty had secured them access out of lockup by showing the guard the release papers Pike had signed for them. It was something he convinced the Chancellor to do for after Mya's execution. 

Bellamy was also in this cave, a fact that Lea was actively trying to ignore at the moment. But she could tell, by the way he was looking at the entrance, that Bellamy was also waiting for Mya's safe return.

Miller and Harper came walking in first. Lea gasped when she saw Mya being held bridal style in Miller's arm.

Mya's friends quickly rushed to her. 

"W-what's wrong with her?" Lea asked frantically.

"Reaper stick hasn't worn off yet," Miller brought her over to the side, placing the girl down gently. "She wouldn't leave without knowing where you three were."

"Yeah, well, we're loyal people," Yuki placed her two fingers on Mya's neck. "There's a pulse. Sh-she should be good."

"Should be?" Sirena questioned. "Yuki, we need a definite yes or no at this moment."

"I-I need a flashlight," Yuki had only a minimal amount of training. Just a few weeks ago, she was a high school student. Now, she was the only one here with proper medical training.

Miller pulled a small one out of his pocket, handing it to her. 

Yuki turned it on, pulling up Mya's right eyelid and shining the light across it and then her left. Let out a great right of relief. "Pupils are responsive. Which means there's brain activity... she's is going to be fine."

"Oh thank god," Sirena placed a hand over her heart. "Now we can kick her ass for getting us thrown into jail."

Bellamy had been watching Mya the whole time and only found some comfort in the fact that Yuki said she would be fine. His anxiety would not stop till Mya actually opened up her eyes.

When he looked at his sister, the last person to enter the cave, he realized they were missing someone. "Where's Lincoln?"

"Pike put a bullet in his brain," Octavia had her back turned to her brother. Looking like she was struggling with which emotion to let out first. 

"O, I am so sorry-"

Anger, that's the first emotion that came to the surface when she heard her brother speak. Turning around with her fist already raised up, she socked him in the face. 

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