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"Everywhere I looked, there were fins. And teeth. And blood. I know if they saw me... I'd be next. So I just floated there, waiting, praying they'd swim on," A girl in the mess hall was giving her reenactment of how she got to Luna's rig.

The six of them sat on makeshift chairs made out of old crates as they waited for Luna to arrive. They had to convince her in some way to take the Flame. Or this would have all been for nothing.

And although Mya knew this would most definitely fail, there was a part of her hoping that Luna would take it. She desperately needed to know what was going to happen after Alie was gone. Lea and her had been holding out any kind of hope they could in this messed up world, that the second wave of the apocalypse would not come. Or, that they could find some way to avoid it entirely. 

"She's here," Bellamy spotted Luna when she walked through the door. "Maybe she changed her mind."

He, Clarke, and Mya stood up to walk over to her.

"The boats return at nightfall," Luna didn't even give them a chance to try and convince her. "Then you leave. Forever."

"Luna, let us explain," Clarke tried though. 

"I said no," Luna tried to walk away but Bellamy blocked her way.

"No, you need to hear this," Bellamy took a step back when her guard held his hand out. "There's something out there that is going to destroy us all." 

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here," Luna didn't seem to bothered.

"That's nieve of you to say," Mya scoffed. Luna eyed her for this. "Look, in theory, a place like this is beautiful. But in reality, you're just as venerable as the rest of us out there. Luna, if you want true peace, you have to be able to fight for it."

"You sound like a warrior," Luna tilted her head to the side. Then she brushed past Mya and over to where the others sat, peering her eyes down at Octavia. "We need to talk."

"That's our queue," Jasper stood up, signing for Sirena to come with him. They moved closer to where the girl was telling her story. "You know, I was hit with a spear to the chest once."

"You were?" Sirena looked at him in shock. "H-How did you manage to survive that?"

"Clarke, mainly," Jasper didn't seem happy to admit that. "I actually missed the whole meeting about your friends being from the past because I was trying to hold onto life."

"Yeah, the past..." When Sirena looked around at all these people, it was hard to imagine this was meant to be some show. Because everything here felt very real. Jasper felt real. She wanted to tell him, but she knew that would probably be very dangerous with both Mya and Lea's warnings. 

"Do you miss it?" Jasper asked her. "Being in a world not like this."

"Yeah, a bit," Sirena told him. "I keep thinking about my life there though, how privileged I was. I'm definitely getting very humbled being here."

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