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It had been a week since Lincoln had been captured and was being held up on the third level of the dropship.

Mya didn't stay there the whole time, but she would often make random visits to check and make sure Lincoln was still in one piece. 

Like now for instance.

She pushed open the hanch, climbing up to the top. Bellamy was sitting on a crate facing Lincon, who looked absolutely tried and drained. They had only been feeding him enough to survive. 

"Have you talked to the Ark yet?" Mya stood behind him, her arms crossed over her chest.

"No," Bellamy held Lincoln's journal in his hands.

After the storm had passed, Raven was able to set up a better connection with the space station all these kids grew up on. And each of them had taken the opportunity to talk to their family or friends that were still up there.

Everyone but Bellamy. The only person he cared about was already down here; Octavia. But there was still the pressing matter that he had shot the Chancellor. 

And now that the Ark knew Earth was survivable again, they'd be coming down here. Bellamy needed to make nice with them so he didn't get locked up for his crimes.

Mya didn't feel like holding his hand through this one. Right now was probably the most they had spoken since the storm. She tended to try and come by when Bellamy wasn't here.

She just wished she could have a moment alone with Lincoln, to try and talk to him. Mya may not be the leading expert in Grounder Traditions but she knew some things about it. Like how Lincoln was Trikru and so was the commander, Lexa.

But Bellamy wasn't allowing that either.

"Miller's talking to them now," Mya decided to inform them. "Telling Digg's and John's family about what happened."

"Good," Bellamy mumbled. "He's good at that kind of stuff."

Mya looked up at Lincoln, who was studying her. He always was when she came in here. To him, Mya was a rarety, like Octavia. His people didn't trust their people and yet Mya had stood between him and getting tortured.

"Well, I just came to make sure you're feeding him," Mya cleared her throat. "You know, common decency and all."

"Okay," Bellamy replayed with just that simple word. 

Mya rolled her eyes, turning around and climbing back down the ladder. Bellamy confused her to extent that Mya could not physically handle at the moment. He was an asshole, then he wasn't, then he was an ass again. 

It was too tiring of a circle to keep going round and round in. If she was a stronger person, she'd be able to stop thinking about him so much.

"Your arm is looking really good," Clarke had Lea sitting on the table on the first floor, examining Lea's arm. "Now, it's not healed fully yet. But I think you should start taking it out from the sling a couple times a day and start to stretch out your arm. Don't pick up anything big though."

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