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When Sirena had been asked the night before if she wanted to pull a prank on the former Chancellor of the Ark, she simply could not pass up that grand opportunity

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When Sirena had been asked the night before if she wanted to pull a prank on the former Chancellor of the Ark, she simply could not pass up that grand opportunity.

"Oh look," Sirena hit Jaspers's arm in excitement. "He's waking up!"

Jaha, in his early state of waking up, nearly fell into the water when he realized he was not sleeping in his bed inside his room, but instead, floating in the middle of the lake on it.

"Hey, Jaha, it looks like you got floated!" Jasper called down to him as he floated on a mattress in the small lake.

Everyone started to come down closer to see what was going on, and everyone suddenly started to laugh at the sight of Jaha looking utterly confused in the water.

"Keeping yourself busy, Mister Jordan," Jaha, after getting out of his initial shock of waking up on the water, did not seem that fazed by it at all.

"Oh, I'm living it up, every last day," Jasper informed him.

"Do I want to know how you managed to do this without waking me up?" Jaha asked.

"No," Sirena smiled. "But the effects are... well, it will wear off soon I'm sure."

"Alright, we've had our fun," Clarke looked at the group. "Let's get back to work."

"Damn she's no fun," Sirena shook her head with a pout.

"No, Clarke tends to live a very un-fun life," Jasper has to agree with her on that point. "But you and I, are going to have as much fun as we possibly can."

Sirena smiled up at him. "You're so happy all of the sudden. Dare I ask why?"

"Probably not," Jasper smiled down at her. "Sirena, think about everything you've ever wanted to do in life, and we will do it."

Sirena hummed, thinking about that moment in her mind she used to stay captured on for happiness. "Well, my ultimate goal in life was to get a scholarship for running and then get my degree in law."

"No, something fun," Jasper chuckled. "Come on, you can't tell me you were a goodie two shoes in school. I've met Mya and that girl could easily outdrink almost all of us."

"Well, I never said that," Sirena smirked. "Aren't we supposed to be working like everyone else? I'm supposed to be training to be a member of the guard not messing around."

"Yet you haven't said yes to that proposal yet," Jasper pointed out. "Why?"

Sirena hadn't yet given her answer if she wanted to join them. "Because this isn't how I pictured my life. All this... war... and now the world is quite literally ending for the second time apparently and... I can't join something that I don't know if it would bring me joy in doing."

"Exactly," Jasper waved his finger in the air. "You were thrown into our time at a very terrible time. And I don't believe you have been shown all the fun and joy we can have in the future. So, what do you say, Sirena... want to find some joy with me in our last days on Earth?"

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