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125 Years Later

Mya's pod slowly started to come out of the wall, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Bellamy smiling down at her.

"Hey," Bellamy whispered.

"Hey," Mya stretched her arms out as she sat up, feeling just a bit stiff. "Has it really been ten years?"

Bellamy just continued to smile at her, taking in all her beauty. "I'll tell you about that later."

Mya furrowed her brows as she stood up, looking between her two kids peacefully asleep in Cryo. "Do we wake them now?"

"Not yet," Bellamy told her. "Just... wait first."

Mya turned around to see Clarke opening up their friend's pods next.

Sirena let out a loud yawn as hers came out of the wall. "How come I feel like I got no sleep at all?"

"Because we weren't actually sleeping," Yuki rolled her eyes as she stood up, looking around at all the pods of people still asleep in cryo.

When Lea's opened up, she looked at the pod next to her smiling at Raven. "Good morning."

Raven let out a laugh. "I think it's been a few good mornings we've missed."

"Probably," Lea giggled back.

When Murphy, Emori, Echo, Abby, and Shaw got out of their pods as well. They all greeted each other with big hugs like they hadn't just seen each other a moment ago.

"Um, I'm ready up here," A boy came into the room none of them had even seen before.

"Who's the kid?" Mya raised a brow.

He looked a bit stunned to see all these people awake. Maybe it's because he hadn't interacted with so many people before in his life. "I'm Jordan Green. Monty and Harper's son."

They all looked at Bellamy and Clarke in shock. And it was then that they realized when they looked around that Monty and Harper were neither awake, nor taking up room in the pods.

"We have a video to show you all," Clarke smiled a bit at them.

The groups made their way to the bridge, settling in around the screen as Jordan pressed the play button for them to watch.

They all smiled when they saw Monty show up on the screen.

"Hey guys, it's been about a year since you all went to bed," Monty reported "Not much to report, really. My Algae farm is awesome. No surprise there. Oh, I'm able to monitor conditions on the ground using the ship's geologic equipment, so, I'll know when it's safe for us to go back down. Get's a little lonely sometimes without the rest of you, but the peace and quiet is what-"

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