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Mya, being the rock that she is, was passed out on the floor of the dropship. Right next to Jasper who was vocally showing his discomfort. But Mya once slept through an earthquake that caused the lamp by her bed to vibrate off the table and land on her back. And she still slept through it all only to wake up confused about why a large bruise sat on her back. 

Lea, on the other hand, was a light sleeper. So right now she was very jealous of her friend for just being able to sleep. Actually, it ticked her off. Because Lea wanted nothing more than to just lay down and rest her eyes after the long day she had. Not to mention, her arm was in immense pain and they had no sort of medication to help with that. 

"Shut that kid up!" Someone yelled from down below. 

"Be quiet!" Another one informed them of his request. 

"Don't listen to them," Clarke told Jasper. "You're gonna make it through this, okay? Promise."

"Can he just die already?!"

"I'm going to get clean water," Clarke ignored the people from down below as she looked over to Monty. "Keep an eye on him."

Monty moved over to his friend trying to comfort him in some sort of way. Lea, who was been watching this through her tired eyes, smiled at their friendship.

"He's lucky to have someone like you," Lea whispered.

Monty turned his head to look at her, noticing the girl's friend who was asleep on her lap. "She's lucky to have someone like you."

"I'm lucky she's a heavy sleeper," Lea picked up her arm that was in the sling, placing it down on Mya's head giving a sigh of relief at the pain that had been taken away. "Easier to do things like this."

Monty could not help but laugh. "How long have you known each other?"

"Since we were five," Lea informed him. "Both our parents moved into the apartment complex we live at now, and we just became friends fast."

"What was it like?" Monty turned his full body around leaning on the wall next to Jasper. "To live on Earth before... well all of this."

Lea had to think of the best word to describe it. "Hollow."

"Hollow?" Monty asked.

"Yeah, everyone kinda just... moves through life," Lea licked her dry lips. "You do your job, you go to school, you make money. And everyone seems to just... not be living. They just do what they need to do, in order to feel some kind of happiness. People don't connect with one another."

"Sounds like in space," Monty said.

"Well, maybe thats because they molded it off of how Earth was," Lea suggested.

"Sounds like the creators," Monty nodded his head. "What was your life like? I-If you don't mind me asking."

Lea could tell he wanted a distraction for just a bit. To not be worrying about his friend wallowing in pain next to him. "Well, my mother is a high school English teacher, and my dad owns a little mini-market. I, um, I'm in the honors program at school. And I ran track and field, we both did."

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