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"Fuck," Mya's nails dug into Bellamy's chest as she rocked her hips down on him.

"Mya," Bellamy groaned, his hands roaming down her back till they settled on her hips. "You're killing me."

"Bellamy," Mya gasped, throwing her head back in pleasure.

"Fuck this," Bellamy in one quick motion flipped them over, placing his hand next to her head and thrusting into her at a fast pace.

It was safe to say, that in the week since they had discovered the bunker, Mya and Bellamy had been getting to know each other pretty well. To a point where people quickly tried to walk by his tent due to the sounds coming out of it. 

Bellamy collapsed down next to her when they had both finished. Pulling her into his arms, Mya rested her head upon his chest listening to his rapidly racing heart. 

"It's Unity Day." Mya decided to say, her hand tracing shapes into his chest. "I-I don't know what that means, but everyone's been talking about it."

She did, but she also didn't know what you were supposed to say after mind blowing sex.

"It's the day the twelve stations of the Ark came together," Bellamy kissed the top of her head. "I like celebrating this way."

Mya giggled, moving to rest her chin on his chest and looking up at him. "That's very patriotic of you, Mister Blake."

"I am a patriotic man," Bellamy kissed her on the lips this time, pulling on her bottom lip. "You want to go again?"

"No," Mya sat up, although that was hard to do, looking around the floor for her clothes. "You're people need you out there. Jaha may have pardoned you, but the first ship will be coming soon."

"So?" Bellamy sat up behind her, leaving little kisses on her shoulder. "We still have plenty of time before that happens."

Mya turned her head around, kissing him in a very slow way that only teased him and made him want more. 

A loud cheering sound came from outside followed by: "Monty strikes again! Call this batch Unity Juice!"

Mya pulled away from Bellamy, smirking. "Unity Day boss man. You're in charge of making sure the drunk people don't wander into the woods."

Bellamy groaned, falling back on his bed. 

When Mya was fully dressed, she walked out of the tent. She finally decided to start wearing clothing from the extra pile because washing the clothes she had arrived in was getting just to be too much for her now that the cold weather was here. 

So now, she wore a pair of black jeans, a blue shirt, and a black and red patched up bomber jacket to look like everyone else here. She did keep her white converse on because none of the boots left over were her size.

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