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Lea loved Raven, she truly did with everything inside of her. And not just superficial things like how beautiful she was or how shiny her hair always looked even in these harsh conditions. What she loved most, was how brilliant and strong Raven was. And just being around her, even at the end of the world, made her feel protected in some sort of way.

When she heard the hydro generator had been destroyed, there was no doubt in her mind that Raven could find some way to fix everything like she always did. But it was hard to see the positive when she learned that without it, only one hundred people could survive those five years in what reminded of the Ark on Earth.

But she wasn't going to let that deter her from helping out. Because at least those one hundred people would be safe.

And with what they had to do left, that left them with no other choice but to tell the people about the radiation coming in. There was an outpour of people willing to help rebuild this place. Sadly, though, even Raven and Lea knew it wasn't smart to inform the people that not everyone would survive this. 

"Two meals a day for people working as hard as ours, we won't make any friends," Bellamy said as he and Clarke brought in freezer dried meat for storage. 

"Well, if there's one thing our people understand it's rationing," Clarke said. "Besides, once we close those doors, it'll be one meal a day for the next five years."

"Try one meal every other day," Raven stopped her soldering to inform them of the latest bad news they had been hit with.

"The hunting parties are coming back with less and less each day," Lea had heard about the struggles first had. "Even Mya is having no luck."

"She goes out every morning and stays out till the sun starts to come down," Bellamy shook his head. "She's supposed to be taking it easy."

"Well, she wants to try and make room for more people in here," Lea saw what this was doing to her friend. Mya would be up by the time the sun started to rise, and would take her gun and go off into the forest to try and catch as much as she could. Yesterday, she returned with only a rabbit and didn't say a word to anyone. 

"Without a way to make water, growing our own protein like we did on the Ark is not an option," Raven stepped off her ladder. Giving Bellamy a harsh look. "Remember that when we're starving."

"I won't be starving," Bellamy said simply. "Because I won't be inside."

"What?" Lea gave him a confused look. "Bellamy, of course, you will be inside here. Clarke, you put him on the list right?"

"I haven't made the list yet," Clarke admitted. Not wanting to start the process of choosing who got to live and die. Again. "What about drinking water?"

"Clarke don't change the subject," Raven said. "We need to know who's gonna be on the inside of these doors when the radiation comes."

"We don't need to know now," Clarke whispered. 

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