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Mya Halliwell and Lea Scott sat with their friends at their local mall in Seattle. They were with their two closest friends, Yuki and Sirena, as the girls chatted about their upcoming Senior year of school. It was an exciting time for the almost adults.

"I just can't believe I got Becket for English again," Yuki complained while she picked at Sirena's fries. "He's such a hardass."

"Well you're the one that wanted to take honors for college credit," Sirena pointed out.

"Yes, and hopefully it will be worth it in the end," Yuki shrugged.

"See this is why I took an easy load this year," Mya took a bite of her pizza as she spoke. "I mean, everything after this will be so hard. Why not have an easy year."

"Girl, close your mouth," Sirena laughed at her friend. "And why did you get so much food?"

"Because my mom's on another diet and this is the only time I get junk food," Mya rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her sprite.

The only girl that wasn't talking was Lea because she was too distracted smiling down at her phone. Adian was his name, and he had been sending sweet messages to Lea all week long. He had been a crush of hers for almost three years now, and last year she had made her move and asked for his number. It wasn't anything serious yet, but it had made her pretty happy when he finally texted her.

"Lea, whatcha got there," Sirena smirked at her causing the others to look at the girl.

"Oh," Lea blushed placing her phone down. "It's um, it's nothing."

"I thought you were texting Adian," Yuki bluntly said.

"Yuki!" Lea hissed at her.

"Oh, sorry," Yuki giggled a bit as the other girl's eyes widened.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us you were texting Adian!" Mya gasped as she hit her arm.

"It's nothing, we are just talking," Lea smiled a bit.

"Thats still the fun part," Sirena giggled before she took a sip of her drink. Her eyes caught something in the distance that made her almost spit out her drink. She coughed so hard that she could taste the coke trying to come back up.

"Are you alright?" Yuki patted her back.

"Y-Yeah," Sirena coughed a bit more, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, just saw something weird."

"What was..." Mya turned around as her jaw dropped. "Oh, shit."

"What? What is it?" Lea asked as she tried to turn back around. Mya, however, stopped her by placing her arm around her shoulder.

"Nothing, want to see my new game on my phone?" Mya pulled her phone out of her pocket. "It's really cool and I'm probably going to waste all my money on it like the last one."

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