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Once they were all jammed back into the tight space of the Rover, they took off into the night and were still driving in the early morning. Because truly, they had to think carefully before they could pick a place again. 

"Becca's journal is amazing," Raven was thankfully recovering fast from her brain almost being fired. "At twenty-six, she found a pathway to access the human mind. That same year she had to lock up Alie, because her answer for what was wrong with the world was 'too many people.' She was twenty seven when it launched the bombs."

"Wait so this Alie thing is the reason there was an apocalypse?" Sirena tried to look at Mya for confirmation, but she was just staring out the back window of Rover. So instead so looked to everyone else around them. "W-What year did the apocalypse happen?"

"Twenty fifty two," Jasper recalled.

"Oh great," Sirena nodded her head. "Well, at least we would have made it to our fifties before we were blown up."

Clarke turned around in the passenger seat. "What did she write about the flame?"

"Alie 2.0," Raven had read about it. "She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind, but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out, because it would be one of us. She would put it in herself first. Altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant."

"Bekka Pramheda, the first commander," Clarke remembered Lexa talking about her. "The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?"

"Yeah," Raven looked a bit confused about how she knew that. 

"Black blood?" Yuki question. "How the hell did she make black blood?"

"It's called Nightblood. That's where it came from," Clarke had found it odd that when Lexa bled from her injuries, it had been black. "Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That's why we have to find her, if she can access Alie-2-"

"Then she can tell us how to stop Alie-1," Octavia caught onto her train of thought. 

"Bekka Pramheda gets her second shot at atonement," Sinclair hummed. 

Monty was holding up the extra chip that they had, obsessed with looking at it now after what happened to his mother. "Get back to the mind pathway. If Alie uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there's a chance my mom's still alive."

Raven gave him a sad look. "That depends on your definition of 'alive.'"

"Eyes sharp. Weapons hot," Bellamy spoke for the first time as they started to approach Arkadia. "We're almost home." He picked up the radio, knowing they would be in range now. "Miller, come in." But there was no response. "Harper, you there?" And yet again, there was no response. "Your ride's two minutes out."

There was still no response from the small team they left back at the cave in case something happened to them. But they had to make it back to camp and get their supplies to stop Alie. 

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