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Lea had gathered up logs, making a fire to keep them warm and to prevent them from freezing to death.

"Please, explain to us, what's Azgeda?" Sirena looked between Mya and Lea. "Because the way you said it, makes it sound like we're going to die."

"We'll die first from starvation or the cold," Yuki shivered, hugging her knees close to her chest. "Azgeda can't be that bad."

"They are," Mya rubbed her shoulder, she needed it to heal faster if she was going to have to fight. "We told you about the grounders, what we didn't tell you was that there are twelve different clans. Well, almost thirteen. Lea, you remember them better than me."

"Trikru, Azgeda, Floukru, Sangedakru, Yujleda, Boudalan, Trishanakru, Podakru, Ouskejon Kru, Delfikru, Ingranrona, Louwoda Kliron, and the thirteenth will be Skaikru," Lea listed off. She had gotten bored one day in math and memorized all the clans.

"Now, Skaikru is our friends, it means people from the sky essentially," Mya explained. "Trikru was who we were at war with when we first got here, but they become our allies. The commander comes from their clan and she's kinda in love with Clarke, so, win for us and the gays."

"Great, Azgeda," Sirena emphasized. "Explain them now."

Mya rolled her eyes because she was about to get to that. "Azgeda are assholes, basically the villains and the worst of the grounders. They don't hold the commander's rules because the Queen hates Lexa. Their people are trained to be warriors that kill in the name of their Queen without even blinking an eye. They hate Skaikru and will kill us if they know we are with them."

"Then why don't we just tell them we're not?" Yuki asked.

"Because explaining all this to grounders, who have no concept what a TV is, will also get us killed," Lea said. "And they basically hate every clan, even if we could lie our asses off, we don't know their language and they will kill us."

"Speak for yourself," Mya picked up a stick, throwing it into the fire. "I know Jus drein jus daun and Yu gonplei ste odon."

"What does that mean?" Sirena's brows furrowed together.

"Blood must have blood and your fight is over," Lea translated. "Which wouldn't get us that far."

"These people sound so nice," Sirena sarcastically said.

"Why do you watch this show again?" Yuki sucked in a sharp breath when a bit of cold wind hit them.

"It's better on the other side," Lea sighed, holding her hands out closer to the fire. "But, Yuki's right, we need to find shelter. You had more experience than me with the terrain, Mya, do you think you can get us back to the dropship?"

"Maybe," Mya tried to think if there were any paths they could take. "I-I think I remember what Finn told me about using the stars as a map. I just have to remember what star the dropship was under."

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