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Mya didn't know why she was so taken aback when she saw Bellamy the next morning. She knew this would happen, she had heard the people screaming Pike's name, and she had seen this scene about a dozen times.

But never had she been present, seeing the man she loved walking into camp with an empty gun covered in blood.

Because Mya did love him, in a terrible aching way that made her feel like she had been robbed. Love should not hurt like this. 

"Oh my god," Sirena looked horrified at the people, having to place a hand over her mouth. "W-what- why would they do such a thing?"

"That," Mya simply pointed her sword at Pike's people. "Is why you need to train. Not for the grounders, for them. I refuse to like Pike think he has any sort of power here and because I'm injured, you need to take my place if it comes down to it."

"Down to what?" Sirena was scared to ask.

Mya maneuvered the sword and handed it to her friend so she could take it by the handle. "Let's not worry about that right now."

Sirena gulped, not liking that answer at all. 

"Everybody listen up!" Pike stood up on a metal crate, addressing the crowd that was very confused at the moment about what was going on. "Twenty-four hours ago, you elected me your Chancellor. Every action I've taken since, and every action I will take, will be to achieve one sacred goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous, and safe Arkadia."

"Yeah!" Many people in the crowd cheered him on.

"This morning, on a muddy field, our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the grounders," Pike continued, and Mya started to feel sick to her stomach. He didn't mention that the people had been unarmed, asleep, and here to help them. "This land is ours now! Resist and you will be met by force! Fight and you will be greeted by death! Today is a new beginning. Mark it down, remember it just like the grounders will remember it."

The crowd of his supporters started to cheer violently for him. And Mya despised each and every one of the cowards that followed Pike. This isn't how they lived, it was how they destroyed the Earth.

Her eyes caught sight of Bellamy's in the crowd and everything inside of her just felt ten times worse with the haunted look on his face.

"I-I have to-" Mya cupped her hand over her mouth running around the corner.

Sirena chased after her not even waiting a moment when she saw her friend throwing up. Quickly placing the sword down to the side, she helped gather up Mya's hair to pull it out of her face. 

"There you go, let it out," Sirena's other hand moved to rub circles in her back. "You feeling alright? Did you eat that weird looking fruit? Because it looked pretty sketchy to me."

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