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It only took Mya and Lea a second after hearing the news that they had stolen the bunker, before they were racing up the spiral ramp and into the office.

"Clarke what the hell- Bellamy!" Mya went over to him when he looked a bit dizzy sitting in a large chair. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Bellamy assured her as he pressed her worried hand away from him while standing up on somewhat stable legs. "Did you know about this?"

"No, we were just informed we're thieves and liars," Mya didn't want him to think that any of this felt okay with her. They still had their people out there. People they all cared about. 

Bellamy believed her, so he turned his attention to Clarke, narrowing his eyes at her. "How could you do this? There were only four warriors left. Octavia was one of them. She might have won."

"And she might not have," Jaha pointed out, not liking those odds. It was his own people after all that he looked out for, no one more, no one less. 

"Bellamy, you're right, she had a chance," Clarke said. "But Luna was in the final four as well, which means there is an even better chance of nobody getting into this bunker, of nobody surviving the end of the human race. Can you understand that?"

"Can you understand that this is wrong?" Lea took a step towards her. "Luna is still injured, you saw her when she fought Roan in the lab. Octavia is a good fighter, a strong one. We still have people up there! Say Octavia did fail and lost, Kane, is still up there. And we still have people at Arkadia who need to get in here."

"We're not opening that door," Jaha wasn't going to allow that.

"You know what, we must have missed the election that made you chancellor again," Mya snarked. "Because I don't know if Clarke has forgotten, but people tend to die when you're in charge of us."

Abby opened the door walking inside and shutting it behind her. "I was setting up the infirmary when I heard people in the corridor. Is it over? Did we win?"

"We don't know," Bellamy gestured to her daughter. 

"Where's Marcus?" Abby started to worry when she didn't spot him in the room. 

"He was in the tower," Jaha recalled. "We sent some people for him, Bellamy, and Octavia. Bellamy was the only one we could get in time. I'm sorry."

"Give me your radio," Abby demanded with her hand stretched out. "Marcus has his."

"The walkies are no good down here," Jaha informed her. 

Clarke went over to the desk and when she pressed a button, a section on the top started to move to a ninety degree angle with a screen inside of it.

"Clarke," Jaha's eyes widened.

"I'm letting them say goodbye," Clarke was still on board with the plan, she just wasn't as cruel as him.

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