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The heat of the flames touched deep into the girl's skins, propelling them into the air. The forest was right in their sight, the wall they had made to protect them. Even their own people who had just been ahead of them.

And then... it wasn't.

Their bodies soared out of the TV, slamming them against the wall. The pictures hung above them came crashing down on their heads while their bodies dropped to the couch.

"Oh fuck me!" Mya screamed, holding onto her shoulder.

Lea had fallen on top of her friend and rolled off to the soft carpet floor. Her lungs were gasping for breath and her heart wasn't going to slow down any time soon because of the adrenalin.

"Mya... Mya!" Lea sat up straight, still terrified as to what just happened to them.

"I'm-" Mya groaned trying to sit up. There was a fuzziness to ver vision, but when she blinked a couple of times, there was a familiarity to the room. "Where... where back in my living room."

Lea's head spun around, assuring herself that they were in fact here and not in the forest. Or worse. "H-How are we back?"

"The blast," Mya pinched her eyes shut. "T-The blast... it must have... fuck me..."

"Mya?" Lea grew alarmed turning to see her friend fall back onto the couch. "Mya!"

"I'm..." Mya gulped down some air. "I'm fine... I just..."

"I know the feeling," Lea noticed the way Mya was clutching her shoulder. "Did you dislocate it?"

Mya shook her head. "No, I think I just bruised it. That walls sturdy, man."

Lea let out a breathless laugh, sitting back on her heels. "Why do you think we're back?"

"That's not the question you should be asking," Mya breathed out. "It should be, how do we stay back?"

"Mya, our friends are about to have to go against Mount Weathers," Lea said. "We talked about this, we need to try and save them."

"No, we need to stay here," Mya said. "We just almost died by rocket fuel. I'd rather that not happen again."

"And what about Maya?" Lea gave her a look. "You know how much that devastated Jasper. Mya, they became our friends, they looked out for us. Think about Bell-"

"So help me, Lea," Mya gave her a furious look. "Don't say his name to me right now. Or need I remind you who he slept with?"

Lea looked down at the brown carpet. No, she didn't need to be reminded that the girl she had grown a deep interest in wasn't in fact interested in her. Raven made that very clear. 

A loud knock came at the front door, startling the two girls. "Open up! We've got the booze."

"Is that, Yuki?" Lea's brows punched together.

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