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"Are you Mya?" It wasn't who she expect it to be, but instead, someone better.

"Yeah," She smiled at him, reaching her hand through the bar. "Mya Halliwell."

"Marcus Kane," He shook it politely. "I've heard a lot about you from your friends. Which one of you is Lea?"

"I am," Lea spoke up, removing her arm from around Yuki and standing up. 

"I've heard some very nice things about you as well," Marcus said.

"Hang on," Mya held up a finger. "Why did you add nice for her?"

Kane chuckled, he had heard about that aspect of the girl as well. "I have been told you are more of a warrior. A very good one at that, saved a lot of the 100."

"If I was good, he would have been gone," Mya pointed to Pike.

"See," Pike shook his head, tisking. "You can't expect me to let her go when she talks like that, Marcus."

"I must insist though," Kane told him. "These two girls became a part of the 100, they helped them in many ways. I have been told they would not have survived down here without the two of them."

"Who said that?" Mya raised a brow, shocked someone would speak so highly of her.


Mya froze, not noticing when a third person had snuck in. 

"Bellamy, I asked you to stay behind," Kane gave him a look.

Bellamy ignored him, walking over to the bars looking like he was staring at a ghost. There was also joy on his face because he hadn't seen her in almost four months now. "Mya... is that really you?"

"Yeah," Mya took two steps back though. Because for her, it had only been a few hours since they last saw each other. 

"I-I thought you were dead," Bellamy smiled. "I-I thought you had died in that blast. W-what happened?"

Mya glanced at Pike before looking back at Bellamy. "I'm not talking about that here. Or with you for that matter. I haven't forgiven you yet for what you did."

Bellamy's face dropped.

Lea stepped forward to take Mya's place. "Um, now that we've been vetted, can you please get us out of here? Our friends, um, they're kinda new to all this."

Bellamy, the only one there who understood what she meant, nodded his head. "They're good, Pike. I promise."

Pike heaved a heavy sigh. "I'll let them out, Marcus. But they're on you now."

"I understand," Kane said. 

Pike took the keys out of his pocket, walking towards the door, and opened it up. "If I catch you-"

Passage: The 100Where stories live. Discover now