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Mya's foot kept tapping against the floor, while her elbow rested on the metal table. Her cheek resting on her knuckles. Completely bored out of her mind.

Bellamy was resting back in his seat, with his arms crossed over his chest. "You going to tell me where you put them?"

"I keep telling you," Mya mumbled. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The ammo you stole for storage," Bellamy sat up, tapping his finger against the table. "You are leaving us defenseless without those bullets. Now I'm being light-"

"Light?" Mya scoffed. When she raised her arms, the sound of metal hitting metal was the result of the special cuffs. "You brought out shackles. That are quite literally connecting my arms to my legs."

"Your a flight risk and a danger to this camp," Bellamy shrugged. "Pike's done playing games with you. If you want to act like a criminal, I'll treat you like one. I'm done protecting you, Mya. I have done all I can for you."

"You've done nothing," Mya scoffed. "God, Bellamy, you still have it in your head that, you think, you're still doing the right thing."

"I am," Bellamy still believed with his whole heart that what he was doing was the best thing for the people. "Every day I make choices that help us."

"You're not!" Mya groaned, throwing her head back for a moment in annoyance. "Come on, Bellamy. Wake up and smell the Pike Kool-Aid you've been chugging. Pike manipulated your anger into fitting his agenda. And you know what, I can understand why you all are doing this."

"Oh yeah, why?" Bellamy asked.

"You're being driven by fear and anger since Octavia got placed on that dropship, and you shot Jaha to get on it and follow her now," Mya gave him a sad look. "Your mind is so set in war mode that you can't flip it off. And yeah, at first, we fought the Grounders. But then they became our allies to a point where Clarke, Abby, and Kane had built a rapport so good we were about to be at peace. But you were blinded by something that was acted out only by Azgeda. And now we're all screwed."

Bellamy's nostrils flared up. "Where are the bullets."

"I don't know," Mya said once more. "I didn't take them out of there, you even gave me a very handsy patdown before I left the room."

"Fine, then you really are leaving me with no choice," Beallmy stood up from his seat. "You visited Abby yesterday and Yuki orchestrated a distraction under Abby's wishes, which leads me to believe that you are in cahoots with her and might be planning something dangerous. That gives me enough evidence to take your records and interrogate her for whatever you talked about. Maybe even lock her up as well. Leaving everyone in camp without a doctor. Unless you tell me where the bullets are."

Mya didn't say anything. She kinda just looked at the table and spaced out once she heard he was trying to get her medical records.

"Fine," Bellamy started to head towards the door.

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