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"So really, I just wanted to say I was sorry. I'm so, so, sorry Mya."

Mya had her arms crossed over her chest, tilting her head from side to side. Pretending as if she didn't already know she was going to accept his apology. 

"Well..." Mya stretched out. "I mean, you were an idiot, but I don't blame you for that, Jasper. There is no need for me to forgive you because I was just annoyed not mad at you."

Jasper let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, yeah, I guess I got a little bit of a big head."

"You think?" Mya raised a brow. "Jasper holding a gun in your hand... It's not something I take lightly. My uncle was a Marine and before he passed away he taught me the proper way to handle a gun. After you know, I shot a guy in the foot. He told me something though that has always stuck with me. If you already have in it your head that you want to shoot someone before picking up a gun, don't."

"We're at war though," Jasper mumbled a bit confused. "Don't we all know we're going to shoot someone when we pick up a gun?"

"No," Mya shook her head a bit. "No, there's a difference. And when you figure that difference out, come talk to me."

"Alright," Jasper said to her vague statement. "Um, did you really shoot a buck when you were eleven after shooting a man in the foot?"

"No," Mya rolled her eyes. "I shot my mom's boyfriend in the foot because he wanted to make me shoot a deer. Then my uncle brought me back to the woods to teach me how to properly shoot and then I shot a buck. Then I cried because I was eleven and I thought I had just killed Bambi's mother."

Jasper chuckled softly. "Hey, you were more badass than me at eleven."

Mya patted his shoulder, giving him a look. "Not a badass."

She then started to walk away from Jasper. It had only been a day since Mya had blown up the bridge to give them more time in order to get ready for the attack. And now, the people wanted to celebrate her like they had celebrated Jasper for killing those grounders. 

Mya didn't like that though. Because in her mind, even in wartime, killing people still felt very wrong. 

"Mya, Mya, Mya," Lea came running up to her, a crazed look in her eyes. "I-I-I di-did som-some-"

"You did something," Mya waved her hands to try and pull the words out of her friend's mouth. "Yes, what is it?"

Lea gulped, looking paler than usual. "I kissed-"

"You kissed Monty?" Mya had cut her friend off before she could even finish her sentence. "Well, I knew you two were getting cozy but kissing-"

"No," Lea gave her a look of panic. "I kissed Raven, on the bridge before you came, and now..."

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