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"So," Mya looked at her two shell shocked friends. "That's it, that's all that was in season two."

They had acquired a room that had two steps of bunks in it. It was a tight space and barely had room for the pull down table. But it would do. They had been informed that it was once a room for lower level single workers to share together.

"What kinda messed up place is this," Sirena looked appalled, as anyone would be after what they just heard.

"Bone marrow," Yuki couldn't even process it. "They took... cannibals?"

"Yeah," Lea ran her hand through her hair. "It's probably for the best that didn't happen to us."

"Okay," Sirena gulped. "How do we leave?"

"We don't know," Lea and Mya spoke at the same time.

"We honestly don't know how any of this works," Mya said truthfully. "But in no way can you tell them this is not really the future."

"Because they will kill us, yeah, we got that," Sirena rolled her eyes. "Alright you don't know how we get out of here then what do you know? This is a new season right?"

"Yeah," Lea sighed. "The city of light."

"Oh that sounds peaceful," Yuki spoke with a little bit to much hope.

"It's not," Mya shook her head. "Just... if a man named Jaha comes to you and asks you to take a little blue computer chip and eat it, run away from him. Run far, far away from him."

"Once again, why do you watch this?" Yuki shifted her eyes between the two girls.

"For the plot," Mya shrugged.

There was a harsh knock on their door. Mya rolled her eyes, standing up and pulling it open to see the less than pleased Bellamy Blake on the other side of the door.

"That's her plot," Lea whispered to the other two.

"What?" Mya didn't really feel like speaking to Bellamy, ever again at that matter.

His eyes drifted down to her large purple bruise that took up her right shoulder. "I was going to tell you that you needed to come help, but you can sit this supply run out."

"Excuse me?" If looks could kill, Bellamy would have long been dead. "Just because my shoulder is bruised does not mean I can not do shit. For a man it might, with your weak bodies. For women, we have periods while doing shit all the time. Which means my body is more used to doing things while in pain. Which also means, I can lift things without complaining about a little bruise unlike men!"

"Fine, whatever, help for all I can," Bellamy let out in one angry breath before storming away.

"Go float yourself!" Mya yelled after him before slamming the door shut.

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