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Mya stood at the foot of Octavia's bed as Niylah, Jackson, and Yuki all tried to work to help save her life. And Mya counted this as the second stupid thing Bellamy had done in only a day. Because Octavia had clearly been poised from what Mya could only assume was a very stupid plan to try and get her out of the way.

"She's getting worse," Niylah tried to pat down Octavia's sweaty forehead.

"I know," Jackson sighed. "If you're right and there's something in her blood, dialysis should filter it out."

The door to the room opened up and Indra and Bellamy came in to join the party. 

"How is she?" Indra asked.

"Her systems are shutting down," Yuki sadly had to inform her, as her lab results were not looking good at all. 

Niylah looked at Bellamy. "You were there. Tell us everything that happened. Did she take anything, drink anything?"

"It's like I told Miller," Bellamy truly did look saddened by all this. "She was eating one of your rations. Why?"

"Because she might have been poisoned, that's why," Niylah didn't look like she trusted Bellamy at all. 

"Niylah, that's enough," Mya crossed her arms over her chest. "Bellamy may not be one of us, and I trust him just as far as I can throw him. But... he'd never do anything to harm Octavia. We all know that."

"We were sharing the ration, the Wonkru way," Bellamy helped to secure his story. "I ate it, too. And I'm fine."

"Have you considered that the worm toxin might still be in her blood?" Indra asked Jackson. 

"It's possible," Jackson furrowed his brows together, looking at Yuki. "But that would make this a secondary reaction to the substance she was exposed to, a week ago-"

"English, Jackson," Miller sighed at his boyfriend.

"Simply put, Dialysis won't work," Yuki explained. "Nothing will... We'd need to prepare for succession then."

Indra nodded her head solemnly. "I will inform Wonkru. If there's any change in her condition, I want to be the first to know. Gather the first battalion and the delegates."

"I'll be right behind you," Niylah followed Indra out of the room. 

Miller looked at Mya raising a brow.

"Why are you not following your orders?" Mya snapped at him. "Listen to Indra for now, go get the battalion ready to go after we've talked to the council."

Miller nodded his head this time, listening to Mya and leaving the room to go do just that.

"Jackson, Yuki, go take a break," Mya ordered them. "You've been up all night with Octavia. I can monitor her for a while."

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