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The second they found out about Wells being murdered, Mya hit Lea with a big fat: "I told you so."

Mya didn't want to be right, but she knew how this story went. She knew she should have just shoved Charlotte into that acid fog. The child was about to be responsible for a lot of shit.

But then again, Mya couldn't forgive herself if she hurt someone. Even a murdering child. 

In the week since Wells's murder, they had built up better defenses. Or at least they were trying to. Everyone in the camp had been under the impression that Wells had been killed by a grounder. Which motivated them to work harder than ever. 

"This is so annoying," Mya dumped a bucket of fresh water into a canopy net they had made to store it in. 

"Survival is annoying," Lea smirked, taking a cup and filling it up with her left hand. Her right arm was still set in a sling till Clarke deemed it healed enough.

"You know, you could help me more," Mya dropped the bucket on the ground. "I wish I could have broken my arm to get out of working."

Lea rolled her eyes, taking a sip of the water. "Yeah, this is so much fun for me. You know, not being able to literally anything."

"Lea do you know how heavy this bucket is?" Mya raised a brow. "And how weak my arms are. We did track and field not weight lifting."

"Hey, we'll be able to outrun everyone if it comes to it," Lea shrugged. "You're just mad because Bellamy keeps giving you the worse jobs."

"Bellamy can kiss my ass," Mya grumbled.

"Don't want to, sweetheart," Bellamy smirked, walking up to them with his arms crossed. "You know, you could be a little more grateful I'm still allowing you to be here in this camp."

"You could be a little more grateful," Mya mocked him under her breath.

"How's the arm, Lea?" Bellamy asked her.

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore," Lea said. "Clarke says I should be good in a month."

"That's good to hear, we enjoy having you around," Bellamy smiled at her before starting to walk away. "Get another bucket, Mya!"

"Fuck off!" Mya yelled over her shoulder. "Why is he so nice to you and not me?"

"Let's think on that for a second," Lea gave her a look. "I might not like him, but I don't go out of my way to piss him off."

"I'm not pissing him off," Mya scoffed, picking up her bucket again. "He's pissing me off so I am just retaliating."

"Well that's very mature of you," Lea said sarcastically.

"No one's mature here, Lea, that's why they sent the delinquents down," Mya gave her a look. "Now help me go fetch this stupid water."

"Fine," Lea said. "I need to get out of camp for a bit anyways."

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