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Yuki felt very overwhelmed when she was practically dragged out of her room by a very large grounder man. Then she was shoved into the hallway and told to move, noticing it was happening to everyone in Skaikru. 

"Hey get your-" Yuki hit the man off her arm. "Do you know who my friend is?!"

"Move!" He barked at her.

Yuki couldn't help but feel like cattle with the way they were moving down the hall. Everyone was crammed in together, not knowing what the hell was going on. 

Her anxiety level were spiking with everyone pushing and shoving around her. And then she almost bumped into someone.

"Hey I'm sorry-" Yuki stopped when she looked down and noticed it was a child. "Hey, where are your parents?"

"I can't find my dad," He looked scared.

"Okay, little man," Yuki picked him up, placing him on her hip. "Let's keep you safe. What's your name?"

"Ethan," He mumbled.

"Hi Ethan, I'm Yuki," She tried to keep him calm through the chaos.

"Yuki!" Murphy came up beside her. "Have you seen Emori?"

"No," Yuki shook her head. "Have you seen his dad?"

"Don't even know who he is," Murphy admitted before shoving through people to try and find his girl. 

"Move!" Someone yelled at her again.

"Ethan, if I swear do not repeat it," Yuki told him. 

They were all led to the upper level where the entrance room with the spiral ramp was and Yuki could feel her heart racing very fast when she saw everyone being thrown inside the room. She didn't know what was going on, but she tried to keep this little boy safe.

"Ethan!" Someone called out with joy.

"Hi," Yuki turned to greet the man. "Is this your dad Ethan?"

"Yes," Ethan held his hands out to the man.

His dad picked him up, holding him tight. "Thank you."

"No problem," Yuki nodded her head, feeling like she needed air right about now with everyone cramped inside this very small room.

"Yuki!" Lea pushed her way through the crowd, going over to her friend. "Are you okay?"

"Lea, what the hell is going on?" Yuki asked in a shaky voice. 

"Come here," Lea took her arm, dragging her through the crowd and up the ramp. "I got her!"

"Oh thank god," Mya breathed out a sigh of relief. "Did they hurt you?"

"What is going on?" Yuki asked again.

Lea gave her a sad look. "Octavia won and promised the bunker to everyone... we only get a hundred spots."

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