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"Yeah we need to move those over there," Mya instructed a group of workers. "Once you clear out that debris, we can set up more tents out here."

They nodded their heads, setting off to work.

"It's great to see you taking up a leadership role," Kane walked over to her.

"Well, all the teen leaders of this camp are gone, so you are only really left with me," Mya joked before she hissed and clutched at her stomach.

"What is it?" Kane looked at her in worry, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing," Mya breathed out through gritted teeth, trying to push the dull pain away. "The baby has decided to get into a position where it has easy access to kick at my lungs. I swear this baby hates me."

"It doesn't hate you," Kane assured her.

"Oh, it most certainly does," Mya was very convinced on that one. "Every day it just likes to play a game of which internal organ it wants to damage. It's probably mad at me for not doing normal pregnant people things like sitting down, getting a massage, and not running around trying to fight grounders and find a solution to the end of the world."

"Your baby does not hate you," Kane told her again. He had never met anyone more stubborn than Mya in his life. It felt like people had to tell her the same things about a thousand times before she actually believed them. "When's the last time you got to go hunting?"

"I can't even send out hunting parties in this weather," Mya gestured up to the dark and gloomy sky. "I've got all my people focused on helping with the cleanup."

The large tan truck and Rover drove into camp and the two walked over to greet their people back to camp. Bellamy jumped out of the Rover, making his way over to them.

"Welcome back," Kane greeted him.

A large clap of thunder went off above their heads and a second later, Mya left something sting her cheek when it touched her. She felt her face, feeling a wetness there.

Mya looked between the two men. "The Black Rain is here."

"Everyone inside!" Kane screamed as the alarms went off.

Bellamy wrapped his arm around Mya, pulling her in tight to his body. "This is not a drill! Go inside the Ark!"

Kane ran right beside them with a small piece of tarp he had grabbed to help cover up Mya's body. Everyone was screaming and panicking as they tried to get inside and away from the rain. They had prepared for this drill now for what felt like a dozen different times. But nothing seemed to compare to it actually being here and the burns one simple drop was bringing to each one of their bodies.

When they finally got inside, Bellamy picked up one of the bottles of fresh water and started to wash off Mya's hands before his own.

Mya heard something from outside and looked to see there was a boy around her age that had fallen over in the mud. "We got someone out there still!"

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