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They all stood outside the Rover, or in the case of Jasper and Sirena, sat on the hood of it.

Bellamy had driven the vehicle as far as he could out of the forest until they had to stop to try and recharge that battery. And that could take a while to do. 

There were light patches of snow on the ground and they could see their own breath in front of their faces. The seasons were starting to change again, and they really didn't need to fight the elements with everything else going on.

"Rover's almost charged," Bellamy inspected the solar battery on the roof. "We need to pack up. We'll be home soon."

"Then what?" Clarke asked rhetorically. "Run away?"

"We're not running away, Clarke," Bellamy justified his decision. "We need to regroup with the other and find another way to defeat-"

"There is no other way!" Clarke grew frustrated. "We need to find a Nightblood."

"What about that girl, um, Ontari," Mya remembered the reason Clarke had run away with the Flame in the first place. "Clarke you may not like it, but if we can convince her to take the Flame and-"

"No," Clarke cut her off with that firm answer.

"Will you just listen and get your head out of Lexa," Mya knew that was hard to say, but even she was feeling desperate for this all to be over. "Ontari may be an Asgeda bitch, but we can use her to shut Alie down."

"And then what?" Clarke narrowed her eyes. "Asgeda rules the Grounders? Because that's going to be an easy fix."

"No," Mya scoffed. "We knock her out and take the Flame out after she's done. Then we might have to kill some Asgeda's, but who doesn't want to do that?"

"Fuck Asgeda," Sirena shook her head. "They were dicks when we first got here."

"That was Pike's people," Mya reminded her.

"Oh yeah," Sirena nodded her head a bit. "Fuck Pike."

"We can find another Nightblood," Clarke wasn't going to allow Ontari to take the Flame. 

"Oh yeah, and what are we going to do? March into Grounder's village and ask for their Nightbloods?" Jasper asked sarcastically.

"If that's what it takes," Clarke took it very literally though.

"No," Octavia glared at her. "Alie found us on Luna's rig, she can track us anywhere. I'm not helping you destroy another innocent Grounder village."

"There will be no more Grounder villages soon," Clarke didn't understand how they were not wrapping their brain's around this. They had to do whatever it took to not only save their people, but the rest of humanity. This wouldn't be some cut and dry easy thing to do either.

"All the more reason to go home and check on our friends," Bellamy argued back to the original plan he presented.

Clarke took a deep breath and started to walk off into the forest. 

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