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Mya couldn't sleep that night with the thought of all this death happening around them. She left her tent to go to the water station. Grabbing one of the cups and filling it up. The cold liquid splashed down her throat.

"Mya," Bellamy came charging up to her holding a torch. "Have you seen Octavia?"

"Not in a while, no," Mya furrowed her brows. "Is she missing?"

"I-I don't know," Bellamy looked panicked. "I checked the whole camp, Mya, she's not here."

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Mya placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Let me go grab my jacket and we can go search for her."

"Hurry, please," Bellamy told her.

Mya dropped the cup back into the water, jogging towards her tent. She threw the flap open and went to her bed snatching up her jacket.

"What's going on?" Lea yawned, being awoken by her friend's movements. 

"Octavia's, missing," Mya slipped her arms through the holes of her jacket. "Bellamy's freaking out, Finn's about to be stabbed, and then Lincoln is going to be tortured. And I like Lincoln, they really did him dirty."

"And how are you going to prevent all that?" Lea had to ask, leaning on her left arm to sit up.

"No clue," Mya pulled her hair up into a bun, using a hair tie she thankfully had to secure it. "But I'm not going to fail this time."

"Mya," Lea pouted. "Maybe we can't save everybody."

"Maybe not, but I can at least try," Mya headed back out of her tent.

"Hey everyone!" Bellamy walked to the center of the camp, dropping a bunch of weapons on the ground. "Gather up and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her."

Mya reached down into the pile, picking up a piece of metal they had sharpened to look like a blade. 

Lea came out of her tent, not being able to sleep any longer with all the commotion happening. She headed over towards Mya. "Mya, you really need to think about this."

"Think about what?" Mya asked. "It's Octavia, we have to save her."

Lea gave her a look. "You're not trained in any sort of way. You're going to be going into grounder territory in the middle of the night. So, are you doing this for Octavia... or Bellamy?"

"Don't ask stupid questions, Lea," Mya walked past her heading back towards Bellamy. 

"You ready?" He asked her.

"Always," Mya gripped her sword. 

"Guys, guys, come here," A boy craned his neck up pointing to the sky. "Did you see that?"

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