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"Mommy, I'm tired," Eros complained as his head rested on his mother's shoulder.

"Mommy's tried too," Mya assured him, looking over at Cora passed out in Bellamy's arms. 

These two children had barely seen outside of the bunker, now they were being forced to travel across the dead sea on a six day journey without any of the comforts of their home they had for so long.

Neither of them could understand what was going on or why they were doing this to being with. 

"Here, let me take him," Lea offered her friend. 

"No!" Eros whined, tightening his hold around his mother's neck.

"He's a shy kid," Mya sighed, rubbing her son's back. "It's okay, I'm right here."

Bellamy's radio went off with Eco speaking in Trigedasleng. "Bellamy, come in if you can hear me."

Bellamy ran off to the side, and their small party followed after him


"Wait," Sirena stoped him. "She's speaking Trig for a reason."

"Why are we speaking Trig?" Bellamy asked her. "What's wrong?"

"They know you're coming," Echo informed them. "You've lost the element of surprise."

"So, they know we're coming," Mya sighed. 

"Clarke?" Monty guessed.

"It had to be," Bellamy knew she was the only person there that would trade in the eye in the sky for her and Madi's freedom. "Echo, listen to me-"

"Bellamy, if Clarke's on the other side, she speaks Trig too," Lea reminded him. 

"Bellamy, you have to go back," Echo said quickly. "We have their pilot, so you're safe for now. But you can't come here."

"Not possibly," Bellamy sadly had to inform her. "It's a long story, but we can't go back... and we can't stop. We're five days out. You have that long to find us a safe way in. After that... we run out of rations."

"We're on it, be safe," Echo said in English before the line went out.

"Daddy, stop talking," Cora complained to him, not enjoying that her nap had been disturbed by their plan to try and survive. 

"Daddy will stop talking," Bellamy tossed the radio to Lea.

"Do you want me to take her?" Yuki offered.

"No," Bellamy held onto his daughter tight, not wanting to let go of her even if his arms were sore from carrying her for a day already. 

"What are we going to do?" Sirena looked around the group. "If our options are go back and die of starvation or march forward and die because Clarke sold us out... What does that leave us with?"

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