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If Mya wasn't already mad at herself enough for not being able to stop anything, she sure as hell was mad now. And in true Mya fashion, she was taking it out on someone. Or rather a figurative someone.

Mother nature that was.

Because it had been clear skies when they went into the cave, and now there was wind shoving them around while they just tried to get Finn back to camp before he bled out and died. 

"Clarke?!" Jasper called out when they reached the gate. "We need Clarke!"

The closest thing they had to a doctor came running out of the dropship. "I'm here, what's up?" Her eyes went to Bellamy who walked in holding the very pale Finn in his arms, the knife still in his abdomen. "Finn."

"Finn?" Raven came rushing over.

Clarke checked for his pulse, letting out a sigh of release. "He's alive."

"Bellamy and Mya wouldn't let me take the knife out," Jasper explained. 

"No, that was a good call," Clarke said. "Get him in the Dropship. Go!"

A couple of the boys came to carry him into the ship. Mya spotted Lea off to the side, her arm still in the sling. 

"I-I tried, Lea, I really did," Mya was more furious with herself than anyone else.

"I know, I know you did," Lea placed a hand on her shoulder. A rumbling from the sky up above hit their ears right before the light rain came upon them. "The storms coming."

"Well," Mya looked up at the sky in defeat. "At least it's something I know I can't stop."


The storm came in a lot faster than any of them had expected. Everyone had to haul ass into the dropship to seek shelter. Which wasn't the best when Clarke was trying to do an operation and Raven was trying to fix the radio.

"Ark station please come in," Raven called for what felt like the hundredth time. "I'm on the ground with the 100. We need you."

Lea was sitting next to her. She was hardly qualified to know how to work any of this stuff, but Monty wasn't here and she always learned quick on her feet. 

"Is there a way to boost the signal?" Lea looked around the circuit board. "I think the storm may be interfering."

"Maybe," Raven reached forward to turn a nob. "Calling Ark station. Come in Ark station. Are you there? Please come in. Calling Ark station. The 100 are alive. I repeat, the 100 are alive."

And, by some miracle, someone responded. "This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself."

"This is Raven Reyes," Everyone started to crowd around them in excitement. "I'm from Mecha station. I-I'm transmitting from the ground. The 100 are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Grffin. Dr. Abby Griffin. Now."

Passage: The 100Where stories live. Discover now