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"I really think you should see Abby," Mya looked concerned for her friend sat on her bunk clutching at her head. "You could have a concussion."

"You should see Abby," Yuki countered, still trying to recover from her surprise attack yesterday. "You threw up last night."

"That's because Pike makes me sick to my stomach," Mya snatched her jacket off her bed. Easing her arm into one of the sleeves. "And I had to fight a guard for you yesterday which put me in a great deal of pain, so I threw up."

"It's just a headache," Yuki laid down on her bed. "You know which I'm supposed to be treating with water, rest, in the dark, while it's quiet. Instead-"

She was cut off by Sirena letting out a loud snore from the bunk onto of her own. 

Mya let out a laugh. "You can still have water in the dark."

Yuki rolled her eyes. "Go to Abby, I'm serious. If your shoulder pain is causing you to throw up, it's probably something seriously messed up in there."

"Yeah, sure, I'll fit that into my schedule today," Mya said half-heartedly, pulling the door open and ready to start yet another terrible day here. Which really was only the result of the person leaning on the opposite wall of her door. "What the hell do you want?"

Bellamy pushed himself off the wall, dropping his crossed arms. "I just wanted to check up on you."

"No," Mya simply said, starting to walk down the hall.

"No?" Bellamy followed after her.

"No, Bellamy, I will not join Pike," Mya knew that had to be the only reason he was here. "I know I'm quite literally the best person in this camp when it comes to anything involving fighting. But grounders would have to go to space before I even consider helping that dick."

"That's not why I was here," Bellamy tried to play it off like that isn't exactly what he was sent to do.

"Oh no," Mya faked shock. "You weren't going to try and butter me up, tell me how amazing I am, and feed me some song and dance to join him?"

"No," Bellamy tried to deny once more.

Mya stopped dead in her tracks and turned around causing Bellamy to almost run into her. "Oh, so you want sex?"

"What?" Bellamy shouldn't have been so caught off guard as he was. It was Mya after all.

"I mean, we had great sex, that was really the best part of our relationship," Mya bit her bottom lip seductively. "And Yuki keeps telling me about the free condoms. So, Bellamy, are you here to recruit me, or are you here to fuck me?"

"T-That's not-" Bellamy gulped, trying to keep some very detailed thoughts at bay. "I-I just wanted to check up on you."

Mya looked down to the growing bulge in his pants, then back up at him with a smirk. "That's not what your body's saying. Bye Bellamy."

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